
4 Phases Of Preparation

4 Phases Of Preparation

Hi, today I would like to talk to you about various stages of preparation for the examination. You may be doing it already but then, I am trying to make you conscious of these various stages.

4 Phases Of Preparation

Hi, today I would like to talk to you about various stages of preparation for the examination. You may be doing it already but then, I am trying to make you conscious of these various stages. And that they need to be given due importance to the extent they deserve. In fact, the four stages I call it. The first stage is AWARENESS- when you are conscious of the job that you are writing this examination for. You are conscious of the sources, material, book, coachings, that I will get this from there and this is the job I am going to go for and this is the process of examination. You are just AWARE of the things. Even the books, material options, and sources like that. The second stage that you go into is the stage of INFORMATION. We start collecting facts. You go to coaching and collect information. You go to the book shop and buy a book and then write down the information, make notes, etc. You are RICH in information. A lot of facts and figures are there. And that’s one stage when a lot of students stop. They load themselves with a lot of information and then don’t proceed to the third level. Third level is about KNOWLEDGE. Einstein once quoted, “information is not knowledge,” which means there’s a big difference between the two and quite often we just remain unaware of it. In fact, when you are talking about knowledge, you have got information which is in a useful form. Will you pick information of facts and figures, you are picking up in silos when they are all individual. They are not interwoven. You have got them as you were served. You picked up as it is. But knowledge is when you start processing them internalizing them, interconnecting them, and be in a position to actually take it to the level where you can DEAL it in a manner that is required. So, knowledge is the processed information, processed data that you have acquired. It’s more of an internal process.
I have come across some students who were interesting in aa sense like at the same time they were suffering from flood and drought both. Flood of information and drought of knowledge. When you ask them, they give you so many data. But, then if you ask them to process and write an answer, they only data they only know facts they only know figures they don’t have the answer. So, that’s where I call it as- they were having a lot of question but not knowledge. And knowledge, therefore is very obvious, more important than information. Information is very obvious, more important than awareness. But, in that order if I take you further to a fourth level, the most important of all for me would be SKILL. You have knowledge, but you do not have the skill to usse that- you are as if you are not having for the examination purpose. You have internalized knowledge but then you understand the examinations are conducted at various levels. Everywhere at every stage the skill requirement is different. At the preliminary level, at the main level at the interview level, everytime a different skillset is required. And then quite often people load themselves with information and just miss out the next two stages that is stage of knowledge that is beginning the silos and then having a pattern in the information. And the fourth of course, the skill that I was talking about. They don’t INVEST their time and energy in skilling. So, it is very important that you realise the importance of skill and then like any other skill, this skill of examination at all the three levels that we talk about in civil services, you have to be PRACTISING. There is no second route to skilling than practise and practice and practise. So, if you keep on practising several times those questions at the different levels, your skill gets better and that is what I am interested in. I know that you do all of them, I just wanted to make you conscious so that you are not just stuck at one level. You have got awareness and information and knowledge, you have the requisite skill so that you can use it in the manner that is required and that is very vital. My best wishes are with you.

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