
Minimum Corporate Tax at 15%

Minimum Corporate Tax at 15%

A milestone global deal to ensure big companies pay a minimum tax rate of 15% and make it harder to avoid taxation has been agreed after Ireland, Estonia and Hungary signed up to an accord, which U.S. President Joe Biden said levelled the playing field.

Minimum Corporate Tax at 15%

A milestone global deal to ensure big companies pay a minimum tax rate of 15% and make it harder to avoid taxation has been agreed after Ireland, Estonia and Hungary signed up to an accord, which U.S. President Joe Biden said levelled the playing field.


Important Highlights 

  • The deal aims to end a four-decade-long “race to the bottom” by governments that have sought to attract investment and jobs by taxing multinational companies only lightly and allowing them to shop around for low tax rates.
  • Negotiations have been going on for four years, moving online during the pandemic, with support for a deal from U.S. President Biden and the costs of the COVID-19 crisis giving it additional impetus in recent months.
  • “Establishing, for the first time in history, a strong global minimum tax will finally even the playing field for American workers and taxpayers, along with the rest of the world,” Mr. Biden said.
  • The deal aims to prevent large firms from booking profits in low-tax countries like Ireland regardless of where their clients are, an issue that has become ever more pressing with the rise of “Big Tech” giants that can easily do business across borders.
  • Out of the 140 countries involved, 136 supported the deal, with Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan and Sri Lanka abstaining for now.
  • The Paris-based Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which has been leading the talks, said the deal would cover 90% of the global economy.


Concerns Over the Pact

  • However, with the ink barely dry on the deal, some countries were already raising concerns about its implementation. The Swiss Finance Ministry demanded in a statement that the interests of small economies be taken into account, and said that the 2023 implementation date was impossible.
  • Poland, which has concerns over the impact on foreign investors, said it would keep working on the deal.

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