
How To Prepare A Time Table

How To Prepare A Time Table

Hi, today I would like to address one common problem which a good number of especially in the initial stage, some even later also fears the problem about the time table. How should I organize my day? How should I make my time table?

How To Prepare A Time Table

Hi, today I would like to address one common problem which a good number of especially in the initial stage, some even later also fears the problem about the time table. How should I organize my day? How should I make my time table? And then how should I really go about it? Talking a little bit around that today I think it is very INDIVIDUAL because each one of you has got their own schedule. Some of you are in college, some of you I would say are working, some of you have got full time. Depending on the nature that you are in your timetable is going to be different. So, first of all, you understand the kind of position you are in and that’s one advice while making the timetable that is concerned. Again you must not forget one thing about the timetable is that it has to be DYNAMIC. You can’t have the same timetable that is going to be two years before the examination or three years before the examination or you should think about a timetable that will apply when you have got one month to the examination. The time table is dynamic, it changes. It evolves. It is not something that is once and rigid and fixed for all times to come. It has to be evolving. So, let that flexibility within the timetable. The third thing which I would like to talk about the timetable is that you should always not get too much into it in the sense like do not make a MACRO TIMETABLE. Like by the next two months, by December, by next year July I will be able to achieve this. That’s too much and that’s not the timetable. Again, I would not like you to go too MICRO as far as time table is concerned. I suppose too micro would mean that like get up at 3:30 and then be ready by 3:45. 3:45 to 4:10 I should do exercise. 4:10 to 4:25 I should do this. No. that’s not. You are not a robot. You are human. You are a person. Well, I mean I think you should be a little bit NOT SO TIGHT as far as the timetable is concerned. So, don’t do Macro timetable, don’t do Micro timetable. Do a MESO level of timetable and that’s something which is what I suppose I recommend that when you make the timetable. You do at this level. The next thing that I would like to talk about is that for the timetable you remember it’s the TIMETABLE the word TIME. It’s not a TASKTABLE. So, most often when we do timetable we forget about this and then we start doing a kind of task table. No. time changes, whatever task accomplished, not accomplished irrespective no problem. You move. It is the timetable. So, let’s say from this time to this time I have to do this. And if it is not done, doesn’t mean that I will do the task. It’s not the task table, it’s the timetable. So, just remember this difference and you will be a lot better. And it’s okay I mean I would always say it’s okay to fail sometimes. I mean we all fail all our lives. All our timetables is like I am assuming them to happen in that way. So, if it is not happening in your way, it’s alright. It’s alright to fail sometimes and there’s nothing wrong in that and don’t be too nasty on yourself. Don’t get the negativity get the grip on you that well my timetable is failing I think I am at fault. No. That day, that moment, that particular piece that may have failed. But then, you move on to the next time slot that you have got. In fact, for the people preparing for civil services, there’s so much to read especially in the general studies that I must tell you, you have to be very careful about following this one-third rule. These are the common things I have been talking about based on the experiences I have had from the past students, successful ones. One-third rule I would say that one-third time that you should allocate for reading something that you have never seen in your life. That doesn’t include newspaper or anything like that but then a NEW CONTENT. I mean the content that you have decided that you should be keeping one-third time allocated to that. Second one-third time and this is one thing which I find most students are missing out on is for REVISION. You must leave one-third time for revision in the timetable itself. Then one-third time has to be for RETRIEVAL. Retrieval can be like whatever you have revised, whatever you have read, try recapitulating them. Try kind of sit down and speak on that. Try sit down and write some answers on that. Do some multiple questions on that. Retrieval, this two-component the second and the third as I mentioned never find a place in the timetable. Mostly our timetable is full with- I have to read this, I have to acquire this, I have to read this, I have to acquire this. No. Please keep time for revision. Please keep time for retrieval- writing answer, answer practice, answer writing and those things and I think this way if you are doing, you can do good planning and then you get a lot of positivity in kind of your sense of accomplishment gets better. And I think, last but not the least,  do REWARD YOURSELF off and on when you accomplish and fulfill your whatever promise that you gave yourself in the timetable. This gives you a lot of positive reinforcement. Buy yourself a good burger, a movie ticket, time to spend time with your friends whatever that motivates you. Or reading something which you always wanted to read - a novel, a chapter, or whatever do reward yourself when you accomplish a certain task. My best wishes are with you.                   

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