10 Must-Have Qualities To Become An IAS Officer

10 Must-Have Qualities To Become An IAS Officer

10 Must-Have Qualities To Become An IAS Officer

Every year, millions of youth try their luck to become IAS officers. It has always been one of the most preferred career options of Indian youth. This field not only has a good salary and allowances, but it also gives you a chance to work for the good of the countrymen by being part of the government machinery. This is why the IAS attracts the youth of the country year by year.

10 Must-Have Qualities To Become An IAS Officer

10 Must-Have Qualities To Become An IAS Officer

Every year, millions of youth try their luck to become IAS officers. It has always been one of the most preferred career options of Indian youth. This field not only has a good salary and allowances, but it also gives you a chance to work for the good of the countrymen by being part of the government machinery. This is why the IAS attracts the youth of the country year by year.

The Union Public Service Commission conducts the Civil Services Exam every year and selects candidates for the IAS, IPS and other central services. It is considered to be one of the toughest competitive examinations in the country but clearing this exam is not enough.

It takes more than academic qualifications and intelligence to play an important role as an IAS officer in the government machinery. The youth preparing for the IAS examination should also have some qualities which are in addition to the general qualifications prescribed by the UPSC. Know which are those qualities which are necessary to become an IAS officer here -

1. Leadership:

 The IAS officer works as the representative of the government, wherever it is held. He has to demonstrate excellent leadership ability while in a government post. He should have the ability to take his team towards the goal of the development and betterment of Indians. This is possible only with good leadership skills.

2. Administrative Ability:

A major responsibility assigned by the government to an IAS officer is to oversee the day-to-day administration of the jurisdiction. To fulfill this responsibility and carry out all administrative tasks with everyone, an IAS officer needs to be a skilled administrator.

3. Decision Ability

On many occasions, the IAS officer finds himself in such a delicate situation where quick decisions are necessary. For this, it is necessary that he can think clearly with a cold mind even in adverse circumstances and by considering all the available options and consider the consequences of each of them. Based on this, a deliberate decision has to be implemented. In emergency situations, all this has to be done in the shortest time. Therefore, the decision-making capacity of the IAS officer should be excellent.

4. Knowledgeable

Knowledge is the most important resource on Earth. It is absolutely necessary for an IAS officer that he has a good knowledge of all subjects related to his field of work. Being knowledgeable will not only help him in the effective implementation of government policies but will also help in removing the gaps in the government machinery to understand and solve any administrative problem.

5. Hard Work and Dedication

If you find preparing for the IAS exam difficult and tedious, then keep in mind, if selected in the IAS, you will have to do even more difficult and tedious work. IAS officers have many responsibilities in different fields. These include law compliance, development work, administrative work, management, a lot more. To do all these tasks in a better way, an IAS officer needs to be diligent and fully dedicated to the work.

6. Honesty

Corruption is the biggest problem in the government machinery. All governments have come and gone but no solution has been found so far for this problem in our country. Being responsible for administration, finance and law and order in their field of work, an IAS officer has tremendous power to deal with this problem. Officers with personal integrity can play a leading role in the anti-corruption war.

7. Communication Skills

To be a skilled administrator, it is necessary that an IAS officer has good communication skills. He could express himself in the best way by speaking and writing. With this, he will be able to give direct instructions to his subordinates and there will be no scope for any misunderstanding or miscommunication. Not only this, but IAS officers also have to meet specific persons holding high positions from time to time. Communication skills come in handy on these occasions as well.

8. Out of the Box Thinking

The biggest challenge of being part of government machinery in a country full of legalities like India is that in different areas, problems also vary and no one solution is applicable everywhere. In addition, various targets have to be met in a limited budget. In such situations, tied-up and out-of-the-box thinking and working make sense.

9.Work Ethics

An IAS officer should have exemplary ethics towards work. He should reach office on time or not to use government machinery for personal work, unbiased, or alike ethics at the workplace. Work ethics not only help you to do your work better, through them you can also set an example in front of your juniors.

10. Patriotism

This is the must-have quality in an IAS officer. After all, he has to serve the country. He has to build a future India. In this, the spirit of patriotism will pave its way. Only a true patriotic can serve the best for his country and citizens.

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