Past language papers for Hindi and English language compulsory subjects?

Past language papers for Hindi and English language compulsory subjects?

UPSC mains exam comprises 9 papers out of which 7 papers are taken for merit and 2 language papers are compulsory and qualifying in nature.

Past language papers for Hindi and English language compulsory subjects?

UPSC mains exam comprises 9 papers out of which 7 papers are taken for merit and 2 language papers are compulsory and qualifying in nature. The English language is compulsory and every student is required to score at least 75 marks out of 300 to qualify for the compulsory exam. The second language paper has to be chosen by students themselves. There are 22 Indian languages among which students can choose any one paper. These all papers try to assess the candidate’s understanding and ability to impart their opinion and ideas.

The pattern of English paper

  • Comprehension of the passages
  • Precise writing
  • Usage and Vocabulary
  • Short Essay 

The pattern of Indian Language papers

  • Comprehension of given passages. 
  • Precise Writing. 
  • Usage and Vocabulary. 
  • Short Essays. 
  • Translation from English to the Indian Language and vice-versa.

Tips to Prepare Hindi and English Compulsory Languages

Since these subjects are qualifying in nature. Every student must be worried about how to clear these papers. We have compiled some tips that you can use in your preparation. 

  • A short essay checks the opinions, ideas, and thought processes of the candidates. So, work on collecting emphatical ideas and opinions.
  • Practice systematically. Your content matters in the exam but the structure and the flow of your answer matters in language papers too. 
  • In reading comprehension, the examiner checks whether you understand the theme of the passage or not. So, it would be better if you highlight some points. 
  • For the Usage and Vocabulary section, you should practice grammar portions such as correcting sentences, filling missing words, using the right form of the verb, and making sentences using phrases. 

Make a Study plan

You have to prepare for all papers, be it qualifying or merit-based because, without clarity of concepts, you won’t be able to score even qualifying marks. Devote some time to prepare for comprehension, short essays, precise writing, and usage of vocabulary. For it, you should analyze the previous year’s questions so that you can understand the pattern and type of questions UPSC asks. Make daily, weekly, and monthly schedules to revise all content. 

Focus on Important Topics

Every paper has some important topics so focus on that only. Don’t waste time beating around the bush. Analyze past 10 years papers, keep informed of the syllabus, and then take steps to proceed ahead. 

There are two papers one is English which is compulsory and the second one is any Indian language paper for example; let’s say Hindi. Focus on the components of each paper such as Comprehension of the passages, precise writing, Usage and Vocabulary, and Short Essay, and prepare according to the requirements. 

Manage your time

To prepare for English and Hindi, you will have to invest some time, say 3 to 4 months because it has many domains. Therefore, I would suggest you learn it daily. Since all students are given 3 hours; you must practice completing the whole paper in 3 hours. So, keep on revising all the materials because the subject is lengthy and you have many things to learn. 

Previous years Papers

We have compiled previous year’s papers for your reference.

English                  2021

Hindi                  2021

English                2020

Hindi              2020

English           2019

Hindi                2019

English            2018

Hindi             2018

English              2017

Hindi                2017

English         2016

Hindi         2016

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