What Is Integrity And Why It Is So Important For Civil Servants?

What Is Integrity And Why It Is So Important For Civil Servants?

What Is Integrity And Why It Is So Important For Civil Servants?

If you are a civil servant, then few core values should be maintained with high priority as well as utmost dedication. Honesty, Impartiality, Integrity, Objectivity are the four core values that every civil servant must possess.

What Is Integrity And Why It Is So Important For Civil Servants?

What Is Integrity And Why It Is So Important For Civil Servants?

If you are a civil servant, then few core values should be maintained with high priority as well as utmost dedication. Honesty, Impartiality, Integrity, Objectivity are the four core values that every civil servant must possess.

Here in this article, we will talk about one of the most crucial of all the core values - Integrity. What is integrity for a civil servant? Integrity is all about being honest and having strong moral principles. So, this is very important for a civil servant to have this quality since they serve for the nation being in the topmost administrative society.

Integrity is the most applicable and most crucial quality to fight against all the corruptions in public administration. It is not only beneficial for the nations but also it ensures the civil servants’ sincerity towards their job. The types of actions they take and the way they deal with the corruption has a direct impact on the people of India. In this scenario, only integrity as a core value can achieve the mission.

Here are some basic reasons mentioned to show why integrity is important for a civil servant.

  • Civil servants are not only working for a prestigious designation, but they are also bestowed with immense power and responsibility.
  • The money or funds raised for the development of India are managed and monitored by the civil servants. So, utmost integrity is needed to accomplish this mission
  • Integrity is also important because the civil servants are serving the people which requires the work to be done not only fairly but also efficiently and flawlessly.
  • The civil servants are engaged in serving public and their affairs and comply with the law of the land too. They work to administer justice with integrity.

The government might take initiatives so that the civil servants working for the nation can concentrate on their integrity upbuilding. The initiatives may include-

  • Special bonus or award for serving sincerely for decades with a great reputation
  • The complex and tiresome working procedures can be simplified and transparency in promotion and transfers can be increased.
  • Providing the opportunity to the civil servants to create a friendly relationship with the people they are working for. Attending public grievances independently and dealing with them powerfully might help.

Integrity in civil service is all about earning and sustaining the people's trust by serving and working for them transparently and flawlessly. Achieving the goal and accomplishment of the mission effectively without committing any type of illegal activities should be the civil servants' only goal. The civil servants are bestowed with immense power and responsibility as well. But a civil servant is considered to be successful at his or her job when he or she can utilise the power responsibly to serve a particular purpose. When a civil servant serves the nation with not only honesty but also taking up the transparent and reasoned decision, it accelerates the country's development.

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