
Nasa’s Artemis Mission

India Joins Artemis Accords, Boosting Space Ambitions

Why in the news?
India has recently joined the Artemis Accords, becoming the 27th country to sign this international agreement.

Nasa’s Artemis Programme 

Artemis program means Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics of the Moon’s Interaction with the Sun.
The Artemis mission by NASA is hailed as the future of lunar exploration, taking inspiration from Greek mythology's Apollo and his twin sister, Artemis.

Through Artemis missions, NASA intends to achieve several milestones, including landing the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon. Utilizing advanced technologies, NASA aims to explore a larger portion of the lunar surface than ever before.

The mission's objective is to foster collaboration with commercial and international partners to establish a sustainable presence on the Moon for an extended period. By leveraging the knowledge gained from lunar missions, NASA plans to take the monumental leap of sending astronauts to Mars in the future.

Other major  Stakeholders 
Additional space agencies are actively participating in the Artemis program.

  • The Canadian Space Agency has pledged to contribute advanced robotics technology for the lunar gateway.
  • The European Space Agency will provide the International Habitat and the ESPRIT module, which will offer enhanced communication capabilities and other functionalities.
  • The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency has plans to contribute habitation components and logistical support for the mission.

About Artemis Accords
NASA, in coordination with the U.S. Department of State, established the Artemis Accords in 2020 together with seven other founding member nations.

  • The other founding members were Canada, Italy, Japan, Australia, Luxembourg, UK, and the UAE.
  • The Artemis Accords reinforce and implement key obligations in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty.
  • They promote responsible behavior and best practices, including the transparent release of scientific data.
  • The accords provide a non-binding framework for guiding civil space exploration.
  • Additional signatories to the accords include Ukraine, South Korea, New Zealand, Brazil, Poland, Mexico, Israel, Romania, Bahrain, Singapore, Colombia, France, Saudi Arabia, Rwanda, Nigeria, the Czech Republic, Spain, and Ecuador.
  • The purpose of the accords is to establish a shared vision and practical principles for governing space exploration and utilization.
  • The accords aim to advance the Artemis Program, which involves the exploration of the Moon and beyond.

NASA's trajectory involves multiple objectives:

1. Showcasing novel technologies, capabilities, and innovative business approaches required for future exploration, with a particular focus on Mars.
2. Conducting in-depth lunar studies to enhance our understanding of Earth, the Moon, and the origins and evolution of our solar system.
3.. Establishing a strategic presence on the Moon to assert Americanleadership, while simultaneously expanding the economic influence of the United States globally.
4. Expanding collaboration with commercial entities and international partners, fostering broader partnerships in space exploration.
5. Inspiring and motivating a new generation of individuals, encouraging them to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.

Is this a game-changing opportunity for India?

The recent agreement between India and the US holds significance as it follows India's plans to launch the Chandrayaan-3 mission to the Moon. While the two countries have already collaborated on lunar missions, the focus has primarily been on knowledge sharing. However, the new accord will enable the sharing of resources as well.

ISRO and NASA are currently engaged in a joint project to study various environmental factors contributing to the acceleration of climate change, including natural hazards, melting sea ice, and groundwater supply. The Nasa-Isro Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) has arrived in India and is scheduled to be launched into a near-polar Earth orbit in 2024 using the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark II (GSLV-MkII) rocket from Satish Dhawan Space Centre.

Space has emerged as a significant domain alongside land, water, and air. While the agreement includes plans to send Indian astronauts to the International Space Station, this endeavor will take time to materialize. However, an immediate benefit will be the exchange of information on human spaceflight.

By signing the Artemis Accords, India showcases its strong commitment to international cooperation in the realm of space exploration and its enthusiastic participation in lunar missions.

  • India's inclusion in the Artemis Accords demonstrates its strong commitment to international space cooperation and lunar exploration missions.
  • The collaboration with NASA will benefit India's Gaganyaan mission by enhancing its astronaut training, curriculum, facilities, and designs.

 Signing the agreement establishes India as a key recipient of valuable information from NASA's upcoming lunar missions, such as Artemis-II.
The Artemis Accords provide India with new opportunities in the domain of space, especially as China emerges as a significant player with its own space station and lunar exploration plans.

 This agreement aligns India with the evolving global order that looks beyond Earth's orbit, allowing India to explore the cosmos and find its place in the expanding universe.

ISRO’s Upcoming Missions:

Chandrayaan-3 Mission:
- The launch of Chandrayaan-3 is expected to take place in the second quarter of 2023.

Shukrayaan Mission:
- ISRO has plans for a mission to Venus, currently known as Shukrayaan.

Own Space Station:
- India aims to establish its own space station by 2030, joining the esteemed space club that includes the US, Russia, and China.

- XpoSat is a space observatory designed specifically for studying cosmic x-rays.

Aditya L1 Mission:
- The Aditya L1 mission involves sending an Indian spacecraft to the L1 or Lagrangian point, located 1.5 million km away between the Sun and Earth.- Lagrangian points are specific positions in space where the gravitational forces of two celestial bodies balance, allowing a satellite to remain in orbit without expending significant fuel
- Aditya L1 will conduct observations and research from this strategic vantage point.

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