
Reckoning The journey Of Elon Musk

Reckoning The journey Of Elon Musk

Born in Pretoria, South Africa, on June 28, 1971, is a businessman, investor, entrepreneur, and cofounder. His father, Errol Musk, is a South African pilot, engineer, entrepreneur, and investor. Elon, along with Peter Theil, Yu Pan, Luke Nosek, and Ken Howery, co-founded PayPal and established SpaceX, a company that develops launch rockets and spacecraft. He was also one of the company's early investors and CEO. He was also one of the original investors and the CEO of Tesla, an electric automobile company. 

Reckoning The journey Of Elon Musk

Born in Pretoria, South Africa, on June 28, 1971, is a businessman, investor, entrepreneur, and cofounder. His father, Errol Musk, is a South African pilot, engineer, entrepreneur, and investor. Elon, along with Peter Theil, Yu Pan, Luke Nosek, and Ken Howery, co-founded PayPal and established SpaceX, a company that develops launch rockets and spacecraft. He was also one of the company's early investors and CEO. He was also one of the original investors and the CEO of Tesla, an electric automobile company. 

At the early age of 12, Musk discovered a video game and sold it to a computer journal. In 1988, he refused to support apartheid via compulsory military duty. He wanted to pursue the higher economic prospects offered in the United States of America, which led him to depart from South Africa after getting a Canadian passport. 

History of Paypal 

Musk went to Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, before transferring to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1992. He graduated in physics and economics and received a bachelor's degree in 1997.

After that, he participated in physics graduate school at Stanford University in California but dropped out after just two days, believing that the Internet had far more potential to revolutionize society than physics. Zip2, a startup that provides maps and business directories to online newspapers, was started by him in 1995. After computer manufacturer Compaq bought Zip2 for $307 million in 1999, Musk founded, which later became PayPal, an online financial services company that specialized in online money transactions.

History of SpaceX

Musk believed for a very long time that mankind must evolve into a multi-planet species to survive. He was, however, concerned with the high cost of rocket launchers. He created Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) in 2002 with the goal of making more economical rockets. The Falcon 1 (first launched in 2006) and the bigger Falcon 9 (first launched in 2010) were the company's first two rockets, and both planned to be substantially less expensive than the rival rockets.

The Falcon Heavy (first launched in 2018) was planned to transport 117,000 pounds (53,000 kg) to orbit, about twice as much as its closest competitor, the Boeing Company's Delta IV Heavy, at a third of the price. According to SpaceX, the Super Heavy–Starship system is the replacement for the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy. The first stage of the Super Heavy rocket would be capable of carrying 100,000 kg (220,000 pounds) into low Earth orbit. Thus, the Super Heavy–Starship system's first test flights began in 2020. Musk was the principal designer of the Falcon rockets, Dragon, and Starship, in addition to being the CEO of SpaceX.

History of Tesla

After seeing the potential of electric vehicles, Elon was highly fascinated, and in 2004 he became one of the primary investors in Tesla Motors (later renamed Tesla), an electric vehicle startup created by entrepreneurs Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. The concept of Tesla was inspired by Sir Nikola Tesla. Later, the company debuted its first automobile, the Roadster, in 2006, with a range of 245 miles (394 kilometres) on a single charge. It was a sports car that could travel from 0 to 60 miles per hour (97 kilometres per hour) in less than four seconds, unlike most earlier electric vehicles, which Musk considered were stodgy and uninspiring.

In 2010, the company's first public offering (IPO) garnered a whopping $226 million. Tesla released the Model S sedan two years later, which received critical acclaim for its performance and design. The Model X premium SUV, which entered the automobile market in 2015, earned the brand even more accolades. The Model 3, a more affordable vehicle, debuted in 2017 and quickly became the best-selling electric vehicle of all time.

Musk was so disenchanted with the estimated cost of a high-speed rail system in California ($68 billion) that he proposed the Hyperloop in 2013, a pneumatic tube in which a pod carrying 28 passengers would travel the 350 miles (560 kilometres) between Los Angeles and San Francisco in 35 minutes at a top speed of 760 miles (1,220 kilometres per hour, nearly the speed of sound. Musk said that the Hyperloop will cost under $6 billion and that the system could accommodate the six million passengers that travel that route each year, with pods departing every two minutes on average. However, he indicated that he could not commit time to the Hyperloop's development due to his obligations as CEO of SpaceX and Tesla.

Net Worth of Elon Musk

In March 2020, Elon Musk's estimated net worth was around $27 billion, narrowly missing out on Bloomberg's list of the world's 50 wealthiest individuals.

After nine months, the world noticed an unexpected increase in his net worth of a billion us dollars. By November 2020, he had climbed into the top five wealthiest persons on the planet's list. That's when he began to plot his grand strategy. In less than a month, he surpassed Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates to become the world's, third-richest man. Then, in December, he leapfrogged Bernard Arnault to take second place. Musk has now surpassed a net worth of more than 190 billion dollars, which is 5 billion dollars more than the net worth of Jeff Bezos, Ex-CEO of Amazon. In January 2021, Musk claimed his position to be on top of the wealthiest man in the world. 

As a result, Elon Musk is too busy to lead a luxury lifestyle, even after becoming the world's richest man. He works almost 120 hours a week and is always keen on devising fresh ideas for his upcoming projects. 

Nevertheless, certain external variables had a role. Those variables appeared at precisely the correct time when Musk most needed to rise to the top! He prefers not to be another average millionaire and prefers to live a frugal lifestyle. 


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