
Shashvat Sangwan Rank 34 - Having a life outside the UPSC journey is equally important.

Shashvat Sangwan Rank 34 - Having a life outside the UPSC journey is equally important.

Thank you so much ma’am for inviting me here and to give me a platform to share my personal opinion in front of the aspirants.

Shashvat Sangwan Rank 34 - Having a life outside the UPSC journey is equally important.

Thank you so much ma’am for inviting me here and to give me a platform to share my personal opinion in front of the aspirants.

I would just like to share a simple thing that sometimes, even myself when I was an aspirant used to ignore. At times, I took this exam very seriously. But we tend to forget that there is a life outside UPSC as well. So, at the end of the day, this gives you a group A job may be IAS, IPS, and IFS and whatever the services, aspirants aspire for. But what we forget is that a job is one aspect of our life that has a lot of other important pillars such as friendships, such as your fitness, such as your relationships, such as your experiences that you have at the work. 

Apart from the job, there are so many places where you can visit, so much food that you can try on, so many kinds of music, so many kinds of sports, so many kinds of people that you can meet. So, putting all your exits in one basket is not worth it. It is very unhealthy for you physically as well mentally. So, I would just suggest people study and study very hard and try to give it their best shot. 

I pray and I hope that the dots will connect for you but even if they don’t. The world is still a very beautiful place and it is as beautiful as you make it. So, that is just my small message which I would like to share with you. And I do wish you all the very best from the bottom of my heart. Just do well and just believe in the process. 

It is seen that students tend to isolate themselves from society, and from peers. Is it advisable? 

So, I would suggest probably enrolling in a higher degree course or getting a job because that helps you financially. You are not dependent on some other source so that gives you a kind of confidence. And that confidence helps in UPSC preparation as well. Secondly, I believe there should be no gap on your resume unless you are not from a very rich business class family.  Since you can afford a gap if you are rich but if you are from a regular class background, where we come from, you don’t get a gap in your resume which helps you to take up alternative career opportunities. And the third thing is that you learn time management. When you have a job or higher degree program to look after or to just devote so you have like just a fixed pocket of time which may be 2 hours in the morning, 3 hours in the evening. It raises your efficiency, and a kind of discipline is inculcated in you. This, I am sharing from my personal experience as well as some of my friends who managed to clear with some job or some other kind things. So, this could be good and most importantly have friendships outside the UPSC preparation circle. 

What role did KSG play in your preparation?

I got introduced to KSG in my previous attempts. This year, I got AIR-320.  So, right now, I am training in the Indian defense estate services but this year I am hoping to get into administrative services because I ranked 34. So, last year, I got introduced to khan sir in a mock interview. In the panel, he was there.

Last time, the actual UPSC interview was not very good because some panel members also said that there is a lot of scope for improvement but Khan sir just advised in a positive way. He said that  I see you as a 200 candidate and you just need to polish some edge so that was very positive. Sir personally takes interest and I believe that’s very rare to find in the industry. So, these things definitely count and this year, of course, I gave the mock interviews and I had much better feedback that was reflected in my interview marks as well. 

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