
Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT)

Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT)


In the realm of modern electoral systems, ensuring transparency, accountability, and trustworthiness is paramount.

To address these imperatives, the concept of Audit Trail, also referred to as Verifiable Paper Record (VPR), has emerged as a pivotal component. By employing a ballotless voting system, Audit Trail provides voters with tangible feedback, enhancing confidence in the electoral process. A crucial aspect of this mechanism is the Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT), serving as a secondary verification layer. Particularly effective in countering allegations of manipulation with electronic voting machines (EVMs), VVPATs reinforce the integrity of electoral outcomes and bolster democratic principles.

About the Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT)

  • Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) is a critical component of modern electoral processes, aimed at enhancing transparency and confidence in electronic voting systems. 
  • It serves as a mechanism to provide feedback to voters utilising electronic voting machines (EVMs), ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the voting process. 

Purpose and Functionality

  • Feedback Mechanism: VVPAT serves as a means to provide real-time feedback to voters, assuring them that their vote has been accurately recorded.
  • Verification: VVPAT machines are designed to verify that the vote cast by the voter corresponds to their intended choice of candidate.
  • Independent Verification: It acts as an independent verification technology, allowing voters to cross-check and audit the electronic results stored within the EVMs.

Components of VVPAT

  • Candidate Information: Each VVPAT includes the name of the candidate for whom the vote was cast, ensuring clarity and transparency in the electoral process.
  • Candidate Symbols: Alongside candidate names, VVPATs display the symbols associated with individual candidates or political parties, aiding voters in easily identifying their chosen candidate.

Importance and Advocacy

  • Enhanced Security: VVPATs are advocated for by political parties and electoral watchdogs as a measure to enhance the security and integrity of the voting process.
  • Tamper-Proof Assurance: Amid concerns about the security and tamper-proof nature of EVMs, VVPATs provide an additional layer of assurance to both voters and stakeholders.

Role in Electoral Integrity

  • Democratic Principles: By allowing voters to verify their choices, VVPATs reinforce democratic principles of transparency and accountability.
  • Credibility: The presence of VVPATs contributes to the credibility of electoral outcomes, mitigating doubts and allegations of manipulation or fraud.

Integration and Deployment

  • Deployment in Elections: VVPATs are increasingly integrated into electoral processes worldwide, ensuring the integrity and legitimacy of election results.
  • Technological Integration: Integration of VVPAT technology with EVMs is a significant step towards modernizing and safeguarding electoral systems against potential threats and vulnerabilities.

How VVPAT Works

Step 1: Voting on EVM

  • Voters in India utilize an Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) comprising a control unit and a balloting unit.
  • The balloting unit displays candidate names, party emblems, and a blue button for voting.
  • Voters make their selection by pressing the button corresponding to their chosen candidate's name.

Step 2: Activation of VVPAT

  • Upon casting a vote on the EVM, a printer-like Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) device is triggered.
  • The VVPAT, typically connected to the EVM, generates a slip containing the candidate's serial number, name, and symbol.

Step 3: Voter Verification

  • Voters have the opportunity to verify their vote by reviewing the printed VVPAT slip.
  • The VVPAT slip is displayed for 7 seconds before being mechanically cut and deposited into a dropbox within the VVPAT machine.
  • An audible beep confirms the deposit of the VVPAT slip into the dropbox.

Additional Details

  • VVPAT machines serve as a supplementary verification tool alongside EVMs, enhancing transparency and accountability in the voting process.
  • Election officers may deploy VVPAT machines in exceptional circumstances, ensuring the integrity of the electoral process.

How does VVPATs elevate the integrity of elections?

The integration of Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trails (VVPATs) into electoral procedures serves as a cornerstone for bolstering transparency and accountability in the democratic process.

  • Empowering Voter Verification: VVPATs empower voters by providing them with the means to physically verify that their chosen candidates are accurately reflected in the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs). This tangible verification instills confidence among voters, ensuring their trust in the fairness of the electoral process.
  • Establishing a Reliable Audit Trail: The paper records produced by VVPATs create a robust audit trail for election authorities and stakeholders. In instances of disputes or discrepancies, these tangible records serve as invaluable evidence to validate the accuracy of electronic vote counts, thus upholding transparency and fairness in election outcomes.
  • Fostering Trust and Confidence: By furnishing voters with a tangible proof of their votes, VVPATs contribute to fostering trust in the electoral process. Voters can rest assured that their voices are accurately captured and counted, thereby enhancing confidence in the democratic system.
  • Enhancing Accountability and Transparency: VVPATs significantly enhance the accountability and transparency of electoral proceedings. Election officials can conduct thorough audits and verifications utilizing the paper trail generated by VVPATs, thereby ensuring the credibility and impartiality of election results.

Challenges with VVPAT Implementation

Technical Malfunctions

  • Concerns: VVPAT machines are susceptible to technical malfunctions, posing a threat to the accuracy and reliability of the voting process.
  • Instances: Instances of machines malfunctioning, resulting in inaccurate or failed printing of paper receipts, have been reported.
  • Impact: Such malfunctions undermine voter confidence and raise doubts about the integrity of the electoral process.

Verification of Paper Trails

  • Challenge: Ensuring the verification of paper trails generated by VVPAT machines presents a significant challenge.
  • Clarity Needed: It is unclear how these paper records can be effectively verified, especially in cases of discrepancies between electronic and paper records.
  • Transparency Concerns: Lack of clarity on verification methods raises transparency concerns, casting doubt on the accuracy of election results.

Voter Confidence

  • Erosion of Confidence: Recent reports of defective VVPAT machines have led to a decline in public confidence in the electoral process.
  • Transparency Issues: Perceived lack of transparency and accountability from the Election Commission (EC) has fueled skepticism about the fairness and accuracy of elections.
  • Legal Mandate: In the case of Dr. Subramanian Swamy v ECI (2013), the Supreme Court emphasized the importance of VVPAT as an "indispensable requirement of free and fair elections," highlighting the need for effective implementation and oversight.


EVM and VVPAT in Indian Elections

Electronic Voting Machine (EVM)

  • EVM stands for Electronic Voting Machine, a device utilized to electronically record and tally votes cast in elections.
  • Indian EVM System: Referred to as ECI-EVM, it is specifically designed, manufactured, and used for elections in accordance with procedures and regulations set by the Election Commission of India (ECI).
  • Components: ECI-EVM comprises a Ballot Unit (BU), Control Unit (CU), and later added Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) component.

Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT)

  • VVPAT stands for Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail, an integral addition to the EVM system providing voters with a physical record of their vote for verification.
  • Legal Framework: Despite its significance, the term "VVPAT" or its expansion is not explicitly mentioned in primary election laws such as the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (RPA).
  • Introduction: Amendments to the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 (CoER) in 2013 facilitated the use of VVPATs in conjunction with EVMs, introducing provisions for a "printer for paper trail."
  • Statutory Absence: Notably, there is no direct reference to "VVPAT" in the statutory provisions, with the amendments using phrases like "printer for paper trail" instead.
  • Implementation: Provisions introduced in 2013 amendments, such as Rule 49A, 49M, 49MA, and 56D, aimed to incorporate VVPATs into the electoral process alongside EVMs.
  • Verification: VVPAT enables voters to verify their vote by reviewing the printed paper trail, enhancing transparency and trust in the electoral process.
  • Legal Status: While "VVPAT" is widely used and understood, its statutory mention is absent in the legal framework governing elections in India.

Ballot Paper and VVPAT

Ballot Paper


  • Familiarity: Ballot paper voting has been a traditional method used in elections for decades, making it familiar to voters.
  • Transparency: Voters physically mark their choices on the ballot paper, providing a transparent and tangible record of their votes.
  • Accessibility: Ballot paper voting is accessible to all, including those who may not be familiar with electronic devices.


  • Time-consuming: Counting votes from ballot papers can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, delaying the announcement of election results.
  • Potential for Errors: Manual counting of ballot papers may lead to human errors and discrepancies.
  • Environmental Impact: Ballot paper voting requires a significant amount of paper, leading to environmental concerns regarding deforestation and waste.

VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail)


  • Verification: VVPAT allows voters to physically verify that their votes have been accurately recorded by the electronic voting machine (EVM), enhancing voter confidence.
  • Audit Trail: The paper records generated by VVPATs serve as an audit trail, facilitating transparency and accountability in the electoral process.
  • Efficiency: VVPATs streamline the vote counting process, reducing the time required to declare election results.


  • Technological Dependency: VVPAT relies on electronic voting machines (EVMs), making it susceptible to technical malfunctions and electronic manipulation.
  • Cost: Implementing and maintaining VVPAT infrastructure can be costly for election authorities.
  • Learning Curve: VVPAT may pose challenges for voters who are unfamiliar with electronic devices, potentially leading to confusion or errors during the voting process.

NOTE:- Ultimately, the choice between ballot paper and VVPAT depends on factors such as voter preference, technological infrastructure, and the specific context of the electoral process. While both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, the primary goal is to ensure the integrity, transparency, and inclusivity of the electoral process.

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