
Why do some people get selected in the Civil Service Exam repeatedly while some others fail repeatedly?

Why do some people get selected in the Civil Service Exam repeatedly while some others fail repeatedly?

The following topic is truly a very intriguing topic to be discussed. 

Why do some people get selected in the Civil Service Exam repeatedly while some others fail repeatedly?

The following topic is truly a very intriguing topic to be discussed. Almost everyone nowadays is fascinated by the UPSC and the top-tier government jobs that it offers for which many candidates apply but only a handful of them can make it to the government official post. 

To know more about “Why do some people get selected in the Civil Service Exam repeatedly while some others fail repeatedly” this article will brief about some of the contradictions regarding the aspects of those candidates who fail repeatedly and those who achieve success repeatedly:

Having a wide knowledge of almost everything

While aspirants attempt to cover and understand all they come across, the UPSC instructs them to adhere to the curriculum. Going through unrelated subjects and news would be a waste of an aspirant's precious and limited time given the size of the curriculum itself. Failure follows straying from the curriculum. The market offers "N" different study materials, and the aspirant hears about one and purchases it. Because of this, people accumulate pointless study resources and are unaware of the UPSC-mandated syllabi. 

Whereas, the successful candidates make sure to take this scenario seriously and grasp only the knowledge that is required or being asked by the UPSC.

Not maintaining a full-fledged strategy 

A lack of maintenance of the strategy leads to nowhere, whatever we start will fail. Without a plan, an aspirant will not know which paper has to be studied in how many days, how many topics need to be covered in a certain amount of time, when to administer mock examinations, when to compose answers, and other similar things. Due to the lack of direction in the preparation, an individual candidate will be unable to complete everything before the examinations and fails.

However, this is something that a repeatedly passing candidate is already aware of. 

Lack of revision 

The success or failure of any aspirant is greatly influenced by self-study and revision. Candidates should make an effort to comprehend concepts independently, do independent research on a topic, write notes, and come up with novel ways to recall information.

Not practicing the answer writing technique

The answer writing practice acts as the engine of a candidate’s UPSC journey.

Students benefit greatly from solving previous year's questions, and practicing answer writing. Because the static element cannot be modified, certain questions are asked repeatedly. The questions that repeat themselves are discovered when we solve the previous year's test. Additionally, previous year's exam questions support efficient time management. Overlooking them would be a grave error.

The majority of successful IAS officials have made this statement that improving your answer-writing skills is a crucial task to do if you wish to pass such an elite examination.

Ending up studying the wrong optional subject

The Optional subject is like the backbone of the UPSC exam. It is equally as important as petrol or diesel are to vehicles which ultimately declares it as the game-changer subject. Failure will result from choosing the incorrect optional subject. In today's competitive environment, aspirants go for those optional topics that are in trend, or we may say simple and are chosen by the majority of aspirants. For some people, a topic may be simple while being challenging for others.

When reading anything for the first time, a subject could seem simple and engaging. Yet, as we get into it, it is challenging for us to comprehend. Without doing a thorough study of the subject, those who select an elective subject quickly lose interest and spend a lot of time on it.

Distracting continuously from Revision

One must always revise their work; it is crucial. Given the size of the curriculum, it is impossible to recall everything. More effective than attempting a completely new one is revising the same thing repeatedly.

A person's understanding of a subject is clarified and increased via revision. In an individual’s thoughts, he/she has everything related to a topic organized in points, tables, graphs, etc.

All in all, success is a matter of time. It can be delayed a bit but will reach its destination in the end. Try to maximize your revision power, have an adequate amount of knowledge for every topic, use your prepared strategies accordingly, practice the answer writing techniques as much as you can, and try ending with choosing the right optional subject in which your interest, as well as the in-depth knowledge, should be the most important aspect.

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