3D Hologram technology role in avoiding counterfeiting

News Excerpt: 

The Japanese government has issued its first new banknotes in two decades, featuring advanced 3D hologram technology to combat counterfeiting.

What is 3D Hologram technology?

3D hologram technology creates three-dimensional images that appear to float above the surface of a material. These holograms are challenging to replicate due to their complex structure, which involves the interference of light beams to produce a detailed, multi-layered image.

Application in Avoiding Counterfeiting:

  • Complexity: The intricate design of 3D holograms makes them difficult to forge, providing a reliable security feature for banknotes and other valuable documents.
  • Verification: Holograms can be easily verified by the naked eye, allowing quick and straightforward authentication without special equipment.
  • Customization: They can be customised with unique patterns, colours, and images specific to the issuing authority, further enhancing security.
  • Durability: Holograms are resistant to wear and tear, maintaining their security features over the lifetime of the banknote.

Conclusion: By incorporating 3D hologram technology, governments and organisations can significantly reduce the risk of counterfeiting, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of their currency and documents.

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