Abel Prize

News Excerpt:

A French mathematician Michel Talagrand, who says maths "gives you wings" has been awarded the Abel Prize - one of the most prestigious honours in the field, for his work in randomness studies.


  • Michel Talagrand, 72, received the award for his "groundbreaking contributions", the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters said.
  • His work in probability theory involved understanding random phenomena.
  • Mr Talagrand, who is now retired, is the fifth Frenchman to win the prize since it was founded in 2003.
  • He immersed himself in his studies after a genetic illness threatened his eyesight as a child and subsequently discovered a talent for mathematics and physics.
  • Talagrand is an exceptional mathematician and a formidable problem solver, chair of the Abel Prize committee Helge Holden said.
    • He has made profound contributions to our understanding of random, and in particular, Gaussian, processes. 
    • His work has reshaped several areas of probability theory.
  • The award will be presented by Norway's King Harald V at a ceremony in Oslo on 21 May. The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters awards it.

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters:

  • It was founded in 1857. 
  • It is an independent, learned society for the advancement of the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. 
  • It represents Norwegian science vis-à-vis foreign academies and international science organizations.


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