Astronomical Transients

News Excerpt:
The Indian-American astronomer Shrinivas Kulkarni was awarded the Shaw Prize for Astronomy in 2024 for his work on the physics of astronomical transients.

About Astronomical transients:

  • In astronomy, a ‘transient’ is any celestial object whose brightness changes in short spans of time.
  • They are studied to understand where their violence comes from and what that can tell us about non-transient events.
  • There are many kinds of astronomical transients, all of them united by phenomena that are violent in some measure. For example -
    • Supernovae:
      • These are the most well-known transients. These are formed when the outer layers of large stars blow up while their cores implode because the stars have run out of elements to fuse.
      • Many a supernova has been known to become so bright that it emits light more intensely than the stars in the rest of its host galaxy combined.
    • Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN):
      • An active galactic nucleus, or AGN, is an extremely bright central region of a galaxy that is dominated by the light emitted by dust and gas as it falls into a black hole.
      • The extremely luminous central region is emitting so much radiation that it can outshine the rest of the galaxy altogether. 
      • AGNs emit radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to gamma rays. This radiation is produced by the action of a central supermassive black hole that is devouring material that gets too close to it. A galaxy hosting an AGN is called an ‘active galaxy’.

About Shaw Prize:

  • Mr Run Run Shaw, established Shaw Prize in 2002.
  • The Shaw Prize consists of three annual awards, namely the Prize in Astronomy, the Prize in Life Science and Medicine, and the Prize in Mathematical Sciences
  • The Shaw Prize honours individuals who are currently active in their respective fields and who have recently achieved distinguished and significant advances, who have made outstanding contributions in academic and scientific research or applications, or who have achieved excellence in other domains.
  • Each prize carries a monetary award, which has been set at one million two hundred thousand US dollars since 2016.

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