
News Excerpt: 

Biohacking is picking up in India, with followers trying everything from cryotherapy to IV therapy.

About Biohacking:

  • Biohacking is the practice of employing methods drawn from fields like biology, genetics, neuroscience and nutrition to enhance physical or mental performance, improve overall health and well-being, or achieve a specific health outcome (like weight loss).
  • Sometimes biohacking is also called do-it-yourself (DIY) biology.

Types of Biohacking:

  • Almost any tactic could be considered biohacking if an individual employs it to enhance their biology in some way.
  • Lifestyle:
    • This category of biohacking focuses on making positive health and behaviour choices, as well as embracing ways of life that activate the biology of performance and longevity. 
    • Lifestyle is probably the most accessible way most people can start experiencing biohacking, as it includes factors like dietary shifts, breathwork, meditation and exercise.
  • Molecular:
    • Molecular biohacking involves the use of natural and synthetic molecules that can help shift one’s biology. 
      • Taking supplements would fall into this biohacking category.
  • Biologics:
    • Biologics are cellular or biological products that are meant to improve or enhance biology. Biologics function like some sort of human cellular material.  
      • They could be cells, or could be small little information packets like exosomes, which are basically biological bundles of DNA, mRNA proteins and growth factors.
    • Biologics typically need to be ingested, injected (such as stem cells) or delivered intravenously (i.e. by IV transfusion). 
      • Some biologics require a prescription from a health care provider, such as medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), while others don’t, such as non-medical IV therapies offered in independent boutiques nationwide.
  • Technology:
    • Biohacks in this category include devices like wearables (such as smartwatches) and diagnostics (such as blood sugar monitors). 
      • In such cases, biohacking uses technology to gather data about the body.
      • It functions so that an individual can use that information to adjust their health as they strive for improved performance.
    • Technology biohacks also include use of advanced machines like hyperbaric chambers or electromagnetic stimulators to try and stimulate more rapid physiological changes or healing.

Is Biohacking Safe?

  • Biohacking is fighting a bad reputation in some circles because it’s occasionally practiced “ahead of the science,” meaning people test hacks on themselves before they’re proven to work in a controlled clinical research setting. 
  • In fact, a 2020 article shows the lack of scientific oversight of many genetic biohacking and other DIY science procedures currently surfacing on the consumer market.
  • However, when approached with safety in mind and used incrementally, biohacking can be safe for most people.
    • It’s crucial to approach biohacking with caution, relying on evidence-based information and consulting with health care professionals when necessary.

Age - Related Biohacking:

  • Cellular senescence is one of the main concepts at play in age biohacking. As cells in the body are damaged by injury, stress or disease, they are removed by a natural process called apoptosis
    • But as the body ages, it becomes less efficient at clearing these senescent cells. Their accumulation may lead to inflammation that can damage other nearby cells, accelerating the ageing process and the onset of disease.
  • Accordingly, many people in the age-related biohacking arena focus on cellular health and regeneration. 
    • They believe that if the production of senescent (damaged) cells can be stopped, or even reversed, then the aesthetic and physical changes that come with ageing can as well.
  • For example:
    • Red light therapy
    • Stem cell therapy
    • Cryotherapy
    • The use of at-home non-ablative lasers (NIRA)
    • The consumption of anti-ageing and mitochondrial support supplements like those containing coenzyme Q10, polyphenols, L-carnitine and Urolithin A
    • Get Younger From The Inside Out

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