Break Down of Minerals into Nanoparticles Using Water Microdroplets

News Excerpt:

Researchers at IIT Madras have shown that common minerals can be broken by water microdroplets to make corresponding nanoparticles.

More about the News: This significant research, led by researchers of IIT Madras, has been published in the prestigious journal Science, marking the first time IIT-M has been featured in this renowned publication.

  • The study demonstrates that the seemingly simple action of water microdroplets can effectively break minerals, leading to the creation of nanoparticles.
  • It noted that disintegration of minerals makes nascent surfaces and on such surfaces, different types of catalysis may occur, forming new molecules. 
  • 'Microdroplet showers' composed of nanoparticles and molecules falling on Earth may be of importance to the chemical and biological evolution of the planet.

Key Findings and Implications

  • Disintegration of Minerals by Water Microdroplets: The research demonstrates that water microdroplets, such as those found in clouds and fog, can break down hard minerals like river sand, ruby, and alumina into nanoparticles within milliseconds. This phenomenon occurs due to the ionic charges and contact electrification present in atmospheric water droplets.
  • Impact on Soil Formation and Nanotechnology: The ability of microdroplets to enhance chemical reactions and break chemical bonds could transform natural processes. This discovery suggests a rapid process for weathering and soil formation, potentially reducing the time required from centuries to moments. The method advances sustainable nanoparticle production, which has broad industrial applications.
  • Importance for Chemical and Biological Evolution: The researchers propose that microdroplet showers containing nanoparticles and molecules falling on Earth could have been significant in the chemical and biological evolution of the planet. This process could mimic natural nanoparticle formation, playing a crucial role in the transformation of rocks into active soil ingredients.
  • Future Applications: The findings open up possibilities for environmental benefits, such as enhancing soil quality and potentially helping deserts bloom by accelerating natural weathering processes. It also advances fields like nanotechnology and materials science by providing a sustainable and efficient technique for producing nanoparticles.


The research from IIT-M not only represents a significant scientific breakthrough but also offers practical applications that could revolutionize environmental science and industrial processes. By understanding and harnessing the natural capabilities of water microdroplets, this discovery opens up new avenues for sustainable development and technological innovation.


  • Nanoparticles are ultra-small particles, typically between 1 and 100 nanometers. 
  • They possess unique physical and chemical properties due to their high surface area-to-volume ratio. 

Applications of Nanoparticle:

  • Medicine: They enable targeted drug delivery and improved imaging techniques. In electronics, nanoparticles enhance the performance of batteries and sensors.
  • Environmental science: For pollution detection and water purification.
  • Material science: Nanoparticles improve the durability and efficiency of materials in construction and manufacturing. Their versatility extends to cosmetics, providing better UV protection and anti-ageing benefits.

Science Journal:

  • Science is the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world's oldest and largest general science organisation.
  • Founded in 1880 with seed money from inventor Thomas Edison, it has been at the forefront of significant scientific discoveries. 
  • It is widely regarded as one of the world's premier academic journals, its articles are consistently among the most cited globally.

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