Chloropicrin: chemical weapon or pesticide?

News Excerpt: 

According to reports by Reuters, the United States has alleged that Russia utilized Chloropicrin, a chemical agent, against Ukrainian troops as a "method of warfare."

More About the News: 

  • The State Department of US issued a statement asserting that the deployment of such chemicals was not a singular occurrence. 
    • This use of Chloropicrin contravenes Russia's commitments under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which prohibits the use of chemical weapons. Nevertheless, Russia has refuted these accusations.

What is Chloropicrin: 

  • Chloropicrin is a versatile chemical compound utilized as a fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, nematicide, and antimicrobial. Also known as nitrochloroform, It appears as a colorless to yellow oily liquid. 
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) characterize it as an irritant with tear gas-like properties, emitting a highly irritating odor and capable of absorption through inhalation, ingestion, and skin contact. 
  • According to NIH, Chloropicrin serves both as a warfare agent and pesticide, presenting health risks upon inhalation
    • Manufactured through chemical reactions involving sodium hypochlorite and nitromethane, or chloroform and nitric acid, it was initially developed as a poison gas during World War I by both the Allied and Central Powers. 
  • Documented effects on humans include irritation, tears-induction, high toxicity, and carcinogenicity. Chloropicrin can induce vomiting, leading soldiers to remove their masks and inhale more of the gas or other dispersed agents in the air. 
  • Additionally, the U.S. State Department accused Russia of employing tear gas on the battlefield, a term encompassing various lacrimatory agents such as pepper spray and bromoacetone.

What happens if you come in contact with Chloropicrin: 

  • Contact with Chloropicrin results in severe irritation to the eyes, skin, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract. 
  • Symptoms may include eye damage, burning sensations in the mouth, esophagus, and stomach, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, and bluish discoloration of the skin. 
  • Severe exposure can lead to pulmonary edema, a potentially fatal condition where fluids accumulate in the lungs. 
  • According to the CDC, individuals exposed to Chloropicrin can become more sensitive to subsequent exposures. 
  • While Chloropicrin is not classified as a carcinogen by the NIH, its potential for causing developmental or reproductive toxicity through chronic or repeated exposure remains uncertain.

Has Chloropicrin been used before as warfare agent: 

  • Chloropicrin has been used as a warfare agent. 
  • According to the CDC, Chloropicrin was extensively used during World War I and stockpiled during World War II. However, it is no longer authorized for military use.

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