Clean water crisis: Nitrogen pollution to triple scarcity in river sub-basins worldwide

News Excerpt:

A recent study published in Nature Communications highlighted that an additional 40 million square kilometers of river basin area and three billion more people may face water scarcity in 2050 than previously estimated. 

Key highlights of the study:

  • Global scenario:
    • The study introduces the term "clean-water scarcity" and comprehensively assessed water quantity and quality. 
    • This assessment, based on global nitrogen pollution and incorporating various climatic and socio-economic scenarios, reveals a more dire situation than previous evaluations.
    • Comparing the clean-water scarcity assessment to the traditional water scarcity assessment based solely on quantity, the number of sub-basins facing severe scarcity doubled in 2010 and is projected to triple by 2050. 
      • Water pollution, particularly nitrogen pollution, significantly aggravated water scarcity in 2,000 sub-basins worldwide.
    • In 2010, 984 sub-basins were deemed water scarce based on quantity alone, while 2,517 sub-basins faced scarcity due to both quantity and quality. 
      • This number is anticipated to increase to 3,061 sub-basins in the worst-case scenario in 2050, as outlined in the study. 
      • This alarming projection indicates a more than doubling of the global area and population affected by severe water scarcity.
    • When considering only water quantity, the study estimated that 45 per cent of the global population lived in areas with severe water scarcity in 2010. 
      • However, when water quality is factored in, this estimate rose to 80 per cent.
    • Future clean-water scarcity hotspots were identified in China, India, Europe, North America, and potentially Central Africa in the worst-case scenario, each with unique challenges requiring targeted solutions.
    • Nitrogen losses in rivers can stem from various sources, including human waste, agricultural practices and fertilizer applications. 
      • In the worst-case scenario, sewage is projected to become the dominant source of nitrogen pollution in rivers due to rapid urbanization and inadequate wastewater treatment infrastructure.
  • India’s scenario:
    • India experiences nitrogen pollution primarily from agriculture in the first two climate scenarios. 
      • Still, sewage is projected to surpass agriculture as the main source in the worst-case scenario.
      • A similar trend was observed for Africa, where both agriculture and sewage contribute to nitrogen pollution, but sewage was projected to be the main source in the worst-case scenario.
    • In India, the State of India’s Environment Report 2023 indicated a deviation from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), particularly SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation) in 15 states.
    • A previous analysis by the Centre for Science and Environment in 2016 revealed unsafe disposal practices of excreta in Indian cities, with 78 percent of sewage remaining untreated.

Challenges in ensuring sustainable access to clean water and sanitation for all in India:

  • Population growth and urbanization – India’s rapidly growing population and increasing urbanization put immense pressure on water resources and sanitation infrastructure. 
  • Interstate water disputes – Water sharing and management disputes between different states within India can lead to conflicts and hinder effective water governance. 
    • Resolving these disputes and ensuring equitable water allocation is crucial for achieving SDG 6.
  • Inadequate funding and investment – Insufficient funding for water and sanitation infrastructure development, operation, and maintenance poses a challenge. 
    • Mobilizing adequate financial resources and attracting investments in the water sector is essential for sustainable progress.
  • Rural-urban divide – Disparities in access to clean water and sanitation are prevalent between rural and urban areas. 
    • Rural regions often face greater infrastructure development and service delivery challenges.
  • Climate change and natural disasters – Increasing climate variability, including erratic rainfall patterns and extreme weather events, affect water availability and quality. 
    • Floods, droughts, and cyclones further disrupt water sources and infrastructure.

Initiatives by the Indian government to meet Clean Water:

  • Swachh Bharat Mission (Clean India Mission) – Launched in 2014, this nationwide campaign aims to eliminate open defecation, promote cleanliness, and improve solid waste management. 
    • It focuses on constructing toilets, promoting behavior change, and ensuring access to sanitation facilities.
  • Jal Jeevan Mission – Launched in 2019, this mission aims to provide piped water supply to every household in rural areas of India by 2024. 
    • It focuses on water source development, infrastructure creation, capacity building, and community participation.
  • National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP) – This program focuses on providing safe drinking water to rural areas. 
    • It aims to ensure the sustainability of water supply schemes, water quality testing, and community-based management of water resources.
  • Atal Bhujal Yojana (ABHY) – This scheme was launched in 2018 with the objective of sustainable management of groundwater resources. 
    • It focuses on community participation, demand-side management, and strengthening institutional frameworks for groundwater management.
  • National Urban Sanitation Policy (NUSP) – This policy ensures sanitation and waste management in urban areas. 
    • It focuses on promoting sanitation practices, constructing toilets, and implementing solid waste management systems.
  • National Water Mission (NWM) – Under the NWM, the government works towards sustainable water management, conservation, and reducing water demand. 
    • It focuses on enhancing water use efficiency, promoting water-saving technologies, and increasing public awareness.

Way forward:

  • There is an urgent need to address water quality in future water management policies to align with Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Mitigation strategies addressing water pollution require increased attention, as low water quality emerges as a critical or even dominant factor contributing to water scarcity in many river basins. 
  • Controlling nitrogen pollution is identified as a challenging yet imperative aspect of these strategies.
  • The impact of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways — climate change scenarios projecting global socioeconomic changes up to 2100 — further emphasizes the need for proactive measures.

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