Cyber Mercenaries

News Excerpt: 

UN chief warns of ‘Cyber mercenaries’ amid a spike in Weaponizing Digital Tools.

More about the news:

  • Revolutionary advancements in digital technologies are reshaping economies and societies at an unprecedented pace.
  • These technologies are fostering greater connectivity, enabling access to government services, and boosting economic and financial inclusion.
  • The very connectivity driving these benefits also exposes vulnerabilities.
  • The perils of weaponizing digital technologies are growing by the year leading to a rise in malicious activities in cyberspace by both state and non-state actors, as well as criminals.

Rise of Cyber Mercenaries and Hacktivists:

  • "Cyber mercenaries” are criminal organizations hired to conduct illicit activities online and a "legion of hate merchants" spreading fear and division through the internet.
  • The UN chief detailed the alarming increase in malicious cyber activities, with cybersecurity incidents becoming "disturbingly common." 
  • Cyberattacks frequently target essential public services such as healthcare, banking, and telecommunications
  • So-called civilian ‘hacktivists’ are entering the fray, and in many cases are blurring the line between combatants and civilians. 
  • It involves the complex nature of modern cyber threats where non-state actors play significant roles.


  • There is a rise of new vulnerabilities from the integration of digital tools with weapon systems, including autonomous systems
  • The misuse of digital technology is becoming more sophisticated and stealthier, with the proliferation of malware and AI-enabled cyber operations
  • Total ransomware payments reached $1.1 billion in 2023, making it a significant threat.
  • Beyond financial costs, malicious cyber activities undermine public institutions, electoral processes, and online integrity.
  • These actions erode trust, fuel tensions, and sow the seeds of violence and conflict, posing significant challenges to peace and stability.

Way forward:

  • United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres urged the UN Security Council to integrate cyber-related considerations into its workstreams and resolutions, underscoring the impact of cyberspace on issues like civilian protection, peace operations, counterterrorism, and humanitarian efforts.

Summit of the Future

  • The upcoming ‘Summit of the Future’ in September would be pivotal in supporting international peace and security in cyberspace.
  • It aims to safeguard critical infrastructure and enhance accountability for data-driven technology, including AI.

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