Cyprus: 50 Years of Division

News Excerpt:

On 20th of July, Cyprus, marks the 50 years of Turkish Invasion which led to the division of Cyprus into Northern and Southern Cyprus.

A Day of Contrasting Emotions:

  • For Greek Cypriots in the south, it is a day of mourning and lamentation, as they remember it as the anniversary of  the Turkish invasion which led to a catastrophe that left thousands of people dead or missing and displaced a quarter of the Greek Cypriot population. 
  • In stark contrast, Turkish Cypriots in the north celebrate what they consider their liberation from Greek Cypriot control and the establishment of their breakaway state, recognized only by Turkey.
  • Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan is presiding over the "golden jubilee" events, which include a military parade, an airshow, and a visit from Turkey's first aircraft carrier. 

History of Cyprus and its split:

  • Cyprus, an island in the eastern Mediterranean, has a complex history spanning millennia. 
  • Ancient civilizations including Greeks, Phoenicians, and Romans inhabited the island. 
  • It later fell under Byzantine, Crusader, Venetian, and Ottoman rule before becoming a British colony in 1878.
  • In August 1960 Cyprus became a Republic after gaining Independence from the Britishers but, in the following decades, it was plagued with violence between the Greek and Turkish communities. 
  • In 1974 a Greek military coup, which aimed to unite the island with mainland Greece, led to a Turkish invasion and the division of the island between Turkish Northern Cyprus and the Greek Cypriot Republic of Cyprus. 
  • The northern third became the self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, recognized only by Turkey.
    • Turkey maintains over 35,000 troops in the region, underscoring its commitment to the Turkish Cypriot state.
  • The southern part remained under the internationally recognized Republic of Cyprus
  • A UN buffer zone, known as the "Green Line," separates the two communities.
  • Cyprus remains divided to this day. 

Deadlock in road to Reunification:

  • Despite numerous rounds of United Nations-brokered talks aimed at reunifying Cyprus as a federation, a lasting peace agreement remains elusive. 
  • The last serious push for peace collapsed seven years ago, after which Turkey and Turkish Cypriots began advocating for a two-state solution, a proposal firmly rejected by Greek Cypriots.
  • The European Union, which Cyprus joined in 2004, continues to urge both sides to show a genuine commitment to a federated peace deal, stressing that forced division is not a sustainable solution.
  • Despite the prolonged division and the many failed attempts at reconciliation, there remains a glimmer of hope among Cypriots on both sides.


As Cyprus marks 50 years of division, the contrasting emotions and activities of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots highlights the complexity and depth of the island's conflict. While the past half-century has been fraught with challenges, the enduring hope for reunification continues to inspire efforts toward a peaceful resolution.

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