Defence Ministry signs ₹200 crore contract for anti-drone systems under iDEX Initiative

News Excerpt:

The Ministry of Defence has signed a ₹200 crore contract with Big Bang Boom Solutions Private Limited (BBBS) for anti-drone systems under the Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) initiative for the Indian Army and Indian Air Force (IAF).

Anti-drone System:

  • The anti-drone system works on drone detection, classification, and tracking of passive surveillance, camera sensors, and neutralising threats through jamming drone communication.
  • It is a multi-layer, multi-sensor architecture that provides comprehensive security against drone attacks.

About iDEX Initiative: 

  • The iDEX initiative was launched in 2018. 
  • iDEX aims to achieve self-reliance and foster innovation and technology development in Defence and Aerospace by engaging Industries, including MSMEs, start-ups, individual innovators, R&D institutes and academia. 
  • iDEX has partnered with leading incubators in the country to provide hand holding, technical support and guidance to the winners of iDEX challenges.
  • The objective of the scheme is to provide financial support to nearly 300 Startups/MSMEs/individual innovators and about 20 Partner Incubators through the Defence Innovation Organisation (DIO).
  • The Government encourages the start-ups to contribute to the defence sector and develop aerospace set up in the country by providing substantial grants, easier and faster access to test facilities/infrastructure available with various Government agencies, co-creation and co-innovation using smooth operating procedures and minimal documentation, and facilitating procurement, thus making the entire regime conducive for them.

BBBS’s Vajra Sentinel System:

  • BBBS’s Vajra Sentinel System is a state-of-the-art solution designed to detect, track and neutralise drones at extraordinary ranges. 
  • It utilises passive Radio Frequency (RF) sensor technology to eliminate false alarms, and its sensor and jammer combination meets stringent military standard specifications for durability and reliability. 
  • It has a number of state-of-the-art tech improvements, such as Advanced Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar and kamikaze drones, which can be upgraded on demand by the user.
  • The system’s core sensor, built around Artificial Intelligence and computer vision algorithms, enables precise identification, classification and location identification of drones, adding that its sophisticated decision-making matrix enables autonomous decision-making for countermeasures, including signal jamming.

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