DURGA-2 Laser Weapon System

News Excerpt:

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is reported to be testing a prototype of its DURGA-2 (Directionally Unrestricted Ray Gun Array) system.

What is DURGA-2?

  • DURGA-2 is a directed energy weapon being developed by the DRDO.
  • The DURGA-2 Is planned to be integrated with land, sea and air based platforms.

Specifications of DURGA-2:

  • The full specifications of DURGA-2 is unknown however DRDO has already tested a 1 kw laser system mounted on a truck in 2017. The laser was able to hit a target at a distance of 250 metres. 

Why does India need a Laser Weapon System?

  • The present generation of anti-aircraft or anti-missile systems are not considered fool-proof but the laser weapon promises to have 100 percent kill probability. 
  • The laser weapon will prove to be a game-changer in military realm, and hence the DRDO is devoting its energy on this dream project

What are Directed-Energy Weapons?

  • Directed energy weapons (DEW), also called laser weapons, use concentrated electromagnetic energy to combat enemy forces and assets. 
  • These weapons include high energy lasers and other high power electromagnetics—such as millimetre wave and high power microwave weapons.
  • Directed energy weapons can neutralise any drone or ballistic missile attacks from the skies or even at the originating location as it can travel at the speed of the light. 
  • They can deflect the path of the missiles and can even destroy a fighter aircraft.

The Advantage of Directed Energy Systems:

Lasers and other directed-energy weapons have many advantages over traditional kinetic weapons that use projectiles like bullets and missiles:  

  • The weapons' light outputs can travel at the velocity of light.
  • High energy laser weapons can be precisely targeted.
  • The output of laser weapon systems can be controlled -- high-power for lethal outcomes or cutting and low-power for nonlethal outcomes.

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