Encroachments, land diversions threaten Delhi Ridge, the capital’s green lungs

News Excerpt: 

The Delhi Ridge, a vital ecological and geographical feature, stands at a critical juncture marred by a myriad of challenges.

More About the News: 

  • The Delhi Ridge is the tail end of the ancient Aravalli Hills, which is around 1,500 million years old and stretches through Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat
  • Despite its significant ecological value, the Ridge faces various issues including encroachments and a tangled web of ownership disputes.

Key Issues: 

  • Level of Encroachment: The recent report presented to the Supreme Court by the Central Empowered Committee (CEC) reveals concerning levels of encroachment and diversion in the ecologically vital Delhi Ridge area. 
    • Actual Encroachment: According to official figures, over 308 hectares have been encroached upon, while an additional 183 hectares have been diverted for non-forestry purposes. These numbers, however, may underestimate the true extent of encroachment, as determining the full scope will require the establishment of geo-tagged pillars along the entire boundary of the Delhi Ridge. 
    • Addressing the encroachment: The pace of addressing encroachments has been slow, with only 91 hectares cleared in the past five years. Similarly, the diversion of ridge land for non-forestry purposes has been steadily increasing, reaching 183.8841 hectares in the last five years compared to 117.9718 hectares in the preceding period. This totals approximately 4 percent of the total ridge area since 2015.
  • Mismanagement: The management of the ridge land, often referred to as the "green lungs" of the national capital, appears inadequate, with five percent of forest land currently encroached upon and a rising rate of diversion. 
    • These issues were highlighted before a Supreme Court Bench chaired by Justice B.R. Gavai. The CEC has pledged to provide a detailed report on the challenges facing the Delhi Ridge, including rapid urbanization, population growth in Delhi, and the excessive exploitation of resources. These factors have contributed to the gradual degradation of this natural treasure. 
    • Advocate K. Parameshwar, acting as amicus curiae, is aiding the apex court in this matter. The report also points out that various orders from multiple committees, authorities, and courts have not resulted in meaningful progress in securing the ridge. Instead, they have diluted the seriousness of the issue over time.


Addressing these issues requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders. Rapid urbanization, population growth, and resource exploitation are identified as key factors contributing to the erosion of this natural resource. It's crucial for authorities to take decisive action to secure the Ridge's boundaries, enforce removal of encroachments, and prevent further diversions. Comprehensive strategies and stringent enforcement mechanisms must be put in place to safeguard the Delhi Ridge and preserve its ecological integrity for future generations.

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