Ethylene Gas: A safe fruit ripener

News Excerpt:

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has alerted traders/fruit handlers/Food Business Operators (FBOs) operating ripening chambers to strictly ensure that no calcium carbide is used for artificial ripening of fruits, particularly during the mango season.

More about the news:

  • The use of calcium carbide for ripening fruits has been banned under Regulation 2.3.5 of the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Regulations, 2011.
  • FSSAI has also advised Food Safety Departments of States /UTs to remain vigilant and take serious action and deal stringently against person(s) indulging in such unlawful practices as per the provisions of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, and the associated rules/regulations. 

What is Fruit Ripening?

  • Fruit ripening is a combination of physiological, biochemical, and molecular processes which lead to changes in colour, sugar content, acidity, texture, and aroma. 
  • In general, it is a physiological process that makes the fruit edible, palatable, and nutritious.
  • Fruits are classified into two categories according to the ripening pattern:
    • Climacteric fruits: These fruits are usually harvested once they have reached their full maturity and can be further ripened during transit or storage. These include banana, guava, avocado, mango, apple, pears, apricots, peach, tomatoes etc
    • Non-climacteric fruits: These fruits do not ripen after harvest. Thus, to attain full ripeness and flavor, these fruits are often harvested once they have fully matured and ripened in the orchard. It includes fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapes, cherries, pineapples, strawberries etc.

What is Artificial Ripening?

  • Artificial ripening is the process by which ripening is controlled to achieve desired characteristics intended for better consumer acceptance and improved sales. 
  • This method allows for transporting unripe, perishable fruits, reducing spoilage, and ripening them at the destination market before sale. 
  • Commonly used for climacteric fruits, it ensures fast, uniform ripening. When using approved agents, it is safe for consumption. 

What are the issues involved with its use?

  • Calcium carbide releases acetylene gas which contains harmful traces of arsenic and phosphorus.
  • These substances, also known as ‘Masala’, can cause serious health issues such as dizziness, frequent thirst, irritation, weakness, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting and skin ulcers, etc. 
  • Additionally, acetylene gas is equally hazardous to those handling it. There are chances that calcium carbide may come in direct contact with fruits during application and leave residues of arsenic and phosphorus on fruits.

Ethylene as an Alternative:

  • Considering the issue, FSSAI has permitted the use of ethylene gas as a safer alternative for fruit ripening in India. 
  • Ethylene gas can be used at concentrations up to 100 ppm (100 μl/L), depending upon the crop, variety, and maturity. 
  • Ethylene, a naturally occurring hormone in fruits, regulates ripening by initiating and controlling a series of chemical and biochemical activities. 
  • The treatment of unripe fruits with ethylene gas triggers the natural ripening process until the fruit produces ethylene in substantial quantities.
  • The Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee (CIB & RC) has also approved Ethephon 39% SL for the uniform ripening of mangoes and other fruits.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)

FSSAI was established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, of 2006, aiming to establish a single reference point for all food safety and standards matters, moving from multi-level, multi-departmental control to a single line of command. 


  • The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, oversees the implementation of FSSAI. 
  • The Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of FSSAI are appointed by the Government of India, with the Chairperson holding the rank of Secretary to the Government of India.

Mandate and objectives: 

  • FSSAI is mandated to lay down science-based standards for food articles and regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale, and import to ensure the availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption.
  • FSSAI, along with State Food Safety Authorities, enforces various provisions of the Act to ensure compliance with food safety standards across the country.


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