GHG emissions: Antarctic Marine Protected Areas can become acidic by 2100

GS Paper III

News Excerpt:

A new study has raised concerns about the rising acidity levels of the continental shelves in Antarctic Marine Protected Areas (MPA) under high levels of greenhouse gas emissions.

Marine Protected Areas

  • Marine protected areas (MPAs) are scientifically proven to be the most effective way to limit damage caused by human activities and support a vibrant, healthy ocean.
  • Like national parks on land, they are designated areas of the ocean where some activities, such as fishing, are limited. 
  • Marine protected areas are generally established in areas recognised as biodiversity hotspots, or regions vulnerable to changing conditions or increased human pressures.
  • By creating large zones where certain activities are restricted or prevented, MPAs can reduce stress on the ocean and its ecosystems, helping them build resilience to climate change. 
  • A network of MPAs will restrict human activities including fisheries, tourism and scientific research that are impacting sensitive Antarctic ecosystems.

Key findings of the study:

  • The study, Severe 21st-century ocean acidification in Antarctic Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), was published in the journal Nature Communications.
  • The study suggests that Carbon emissions from human activities may be vertically mixed with ocean waters in coastal regions, resulting in severe acidification at all water levels.
  • According to the study, If we continue with moderate to high levels of greenhouse gas emissions, ecosystems in the shallow continental shelf seas in proposed and established MPAs could experience significant ocean acidification by 2100. 
    • Under the intermediate and high emission scenarios, the acidification could be severe. 
  • For the high and very high emissions scenarios, there will be a widespread lack of aragonite (a type of carbonate mineral) saturation in the proposed and established MPAs by the end of the century. 
  • The undersaturation will extend from the ocean’s surface to its depths. This undersaturation implies that organisms such as pteropods that form aragonite won't be able to find places with stable conditions for their shells.
  • The pH scale could decline by up to 0.36 (on the total scale) for the top 200 metres of the ocean by 2100, the study projected. 
  • The study, led by Cara Nissen from University of Colorado, concluded that widespread aragonite undersaturation will occur by the end of the century under the three highest emission scenarios.

Oceans and Global Warming: 

  • The ocean helps to mitigate the effects of global warming by absorbing some of the carbon dioxide gas (CO₂) that is released into the atmosphere. 
  • This comes at a cost to ocean health because the uptake of anthropogenic CO₂ causes changes in ocean chemistry, known as ocean acidification, which can be harmful to marine ecosystems.

Protective measures to stop acidification of oceans:

  • Given the cumulative threat to marine ecosystems from environmental change and activities such as fishing, the researchers called for strong emission-mitigation efforts and further management strategies to reduce pressures on ecosystems, such as the continuation and expansion of Antarctic MPAs.
  • Designed to protect the unique high-latitude Southern Ocean biodiversity, a network of MPAs is being developed by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. 
  • MPAs have been established at the South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf and in the Ross Sea region, with three additional MPAs proposed in the Weddell Sea, East Antarctica and along the western Antarctic Peninsula. 
    • This network of MPAs would protect around 60 percent of Antarctic shelf waters.
  • India has earlier expressed its continuing support in setting up two MPAs in Antarctica to protect marine life and its ecosystem services.


The recent study highlights alarming concerns about escalating acidity levels in Antarctic Marine Protected Areas due to greenhouse gas emissions. The potential severe acidification poses a significant threat to marine ecosystems. So there is an urgent need for aggressive emission-mitigation efforts and expanded conservation strategies, which include the establishment of Antarctic Marine Protected Areas.

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