Government to Promote Climate-Resilient Farming in 50,000 Villages

News Excerpt:

The Union government is set to introduce a framework aimed at promoting climate-resilient agriculture in 50,000 villages within 310 climatically-vulnerable districts.

National Program on Climate Resilient Agriculture

  • This initiative is part of a broader National program on climate-resilient agriculture, spearheaded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare.
  • The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has developed over 2,000 such varieties, including both abiotic and biotic stress-tolerant types, to enhance food production.
  • It is likely to include measures such as encouraging the cultivation of less water-intensive crops, conserving local water sources, and monitoring fertilizer usage.

Highly Vulnerable Districts

  • A total of 310 districts across 28 states and Union Territories (UTs) in India have been classified as highly vulnerable under the National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) initiative.
  • Uttar Pradesh tops the list with the most vulnerable districts, featuring 22 districts with "very high" vulnerability and 26 districts considered "highly" vulnerable.
  • Following are Rajasthan with 17 districts, Bihar with 10, and Kerala with 8.
  • The initiative will focus on these 310 districts over a five-year period, with most of the funding expected to come from existing schemes.

National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)

  • In 2011, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, launched a flagship network project called 'National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture' (NICRA).
  • This initiative focuses on strategic research for adaptation and mitigation, demonstrating technologies in farmers' fields, and raising awareness among farmers and stakeholders to reduce the impacts of climate change on agriculture.
  • The strategic research component targets several key areas:
    • Identifying the most vulnerable districts and regions.
    • Developing crop varieties and management practices for adaptation and mitigation.
    • Assessing climate change impacts on livestock, fisheries, and poultry, and identifying adaptation strategies.

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