HAMs excel in Island On The Air (IOTA) Expedition

GS Paper III

News Excerpt: HAM Operators from Cyclone Shelters of Nachugunta Island, Andhra Pradesh, excel in Island On The Air (IOTA) Expedition.

About Amateur Radio (HAM Radio):

  • Amateur radio is a popular hobby involving the use of radio frequency spectrum for non-commercial purposes. 
  • HAM radio operators communicate using designated radio frequencies, engaging in diverse activities like contests, emergency communication support, experimentation, technical learning, and community engagement.
  • The story behind the term ‘HAM’: The word “HAM” as applied to 1908 was the station CALL of the first amateur wireless station operated by some amateurs of the Harvard Radio Club. 
  • They were ALBERT S. HYMAN, BOB ALMY, and POOGIE MURRAY. At first, they called their station “HYMAN- ALMY-MURRAY”. Tapping out such a long name in code soon became tiresome and called for a revision. 
  • They changed it to “HY-AL-MY”, using the first two letters of each of their names. 
  • Early in 1901 some confusion resulted between signals from amateur wireless station “HY-ALMU” and a Mexican ship named “HYALMO”. 

They then decided to use only the first letter of each name and the station CALL became “HAM”.

About Islands on the Air (IOTA):

  • IOTA, or Islands On The Air, is a pioneering program connecting radio amateurs worldwide with island stations
  • Established in 1964, it's managed by IOTA Ltd in collaboration with the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), categorizing islands into groups for communication. 
  • IOTA Mission Statement: To increase activity on amateur radio bands by encouraging operations from island locations, to keep a database of contacts made by IOTA program participants, and to recognize high performance in the making of such contacts.

About DX:

  • For the latest updates, enthusiasts can visit DX information providers like 425 DX News, DX-World, Les Nouvelles DX, The Daily DX, and DX News.
  • DXing, taken from DX, the telegraphic shorthand for "distance" or "distant", is the hobby of receiving and identifying distant radio signals, or making two-way radio contact with distant stations in amateur radio bands.

About the IOTA expedition:

  • Recently a dedicated team of amateur radio operators (HAMs) embarked on a journey from the cyclone shelters of Nachugunta Island, Andhra Pradesh (the site), to participate in the Island on the Air (IOTA) expedition. 
  • It aimed at integrating HAM education in primary and secondary schools for widespread adoption and enhanced disaster response nationwide.
  • At the site, five Amateur High-Frequency stations and one Amateur Satellite station were set up using most of the self-designed and locally developed communication equipment.
  • In the course of their expedition, the team of HAMs made approximately 4,000 global contacts with HAMs including from the US, Canada, Germany, Japan, South Africa, Europe, South Asia, etc, showcasing their proficiency in establishing communication links across the globe. 
    • Moreover, they seized the opportunity to raise awareness about emergency communication preparedness, conducting sessions in local schools and villages to educate the community about the significance of effective communication during crises.

Significance of the IOTA expedition:

  • Disaster Preparedness: By utilizing cyclone shelters for their expedition, the HAM operators highlighted the importance of preparedness and communication during natural disasters, showcasing how existing infrastructure can be repurposed for emergency response.
  • Technical Innovation: Setting up stations with self-designed and locally developed equipment not only demonstrated technical expertise but also promoted the "Make in India" initiative, showcasing indigenous technological capabilities.
  • Global Connectivity: Making over 4,000 global contacts underscored the role of amateur radio in providing a means of communication in remote and disaster-affected areas, highlighting its value in emergencies when conventional communication systems fail.
  • Community Engagement: Conducting awareness sessions in local schools and villages emphasized the importance of effective communication during crises, empowering communities with knowledge to better respond to emergencies.
  • Education Integration: Integrating HAM education in schools reflects a forward-looking approach to enhance disaster response capabilities from a young age, ensuring a more resilient society in the future.

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