India developing new Earth system model

News Excerpt

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) is developing a first-for-India Earth System Model (ESM)  to improve climate forecasts and predict climate impacts.

More details on the news:

  •  The model is expected to be completed by 2025 and will provide reliable future projections of global and regional climate, including Indian monsoon rainfall.
  •  The development of the model is part of the government's focus on addressing climate change issues.
  •  The new model is expected to provide policy-relevant information based on robust scientific analysis and assessments of the observed and projected future climate change over the Indian region.

Earth system model (ESM)

  • It is open-source software that is designed to integrate the interactions of atmosphere, ocean, land, ice, and biosphere to estimate the state of regional and global climate under a wide variety of conditions.
  • Since it is based on numerical weather prediction and data assimilation, it can be used for accurate climate change predictions.

 Significance of Earth System Model (ESM) for India

  • The development of an Earth System Model (ESM) in India is crucial to enhance climate forecasts and predict impacts, especially given the country's vulnerability to climate change.
  •  In a nation heavily reliant on monsoon rainfall, the model's ability to generate reliable future projections, particularly for the Indian monsoon, is vital for effective planning and response to climate-related challenges.
  •  The ESM aligns with India's commitment to address climate change issues and facilitates long-term climate studies, supporting sustainable and informed decision-making.

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)

  • It is a premiere research Institute to generate scientific knowledge in the field of meteorology and atmospheric sciences that has potential application in various fields such as agriculture, economics, health, water resources, transportation, communications, etc.
  • It functions as a national centre for basic and applied research in monsoon meteorology.

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