Relevance: GS Paper - II

News Excerpt

Qatar’s court announces the verdict of death sentence to 8 former Indian Navy officers. 

Qatar imposes charges of spying and passing information on Qatar’s stealth-capable submarine program, allegedly to Israel. However, the charges levelled against them have not been fully disclosed. This has created diplomatic stress on the India-Qatar bilateral relationship. 

India-Qatar Relations
Historical Ties: India-Qatar has had strong bilateral relations with regular high-level visits and engagement.

  • 1971: On 3rd September 1971 Qatar became independent and India was one of the first countries to recognise Qatar soon after its independence.
  • 1973: Full diplomatic relations were established between the two nations.
  • 2008: Former PM Manmohan Singh visited Qatar which proved to be a historic moment as the Qatar-India Defence Cooperation Agreement was signed.
  • 2015: The Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani was on a State visit to India
  • 2016: PM Narendra Modi visited Qatar. It was fruitful as it was visited after a long gap since 2008 
  • 2019: PM Narendra Modi and the Emir of Qatar met on the sideline of the United Nations General Assembly to discuss issues of mutual interests. 

Areas of Cooperation

  • Defence:
    • India offers training slots to Qatar in Indian defence institutes.
    • India is a participant in Qatar’s biennial Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference (DIMDEX).
    • To strengthen cooperation and enhance interoperability both navies hold the bilateral Maritime exercise Zair-Al-Bahr.
    • Both nations signed the Defence Cooperation Agreement in 2008, which was extended till 2018 and is now to be renewed again. 
  • Trade and commerce:
    • In 2022-23, India’s bilateral trade with Qatar was US$ 18.77 billion.
    • India is among the top 3 largest destinations for Qatar.
    • Qatar is the largest supplier of LNG to India. It supplies over 48% of India’s LNG imports.
    • According to the Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QCCI), there are over 15000 Indian companies operational in Qatar.
    • Qatar’s exports to India include LNG, LPG, Petrochemicals etc.
    • India’s exports to Qatar include Vegetables, Fruits, spices, iron and steel articles.
  • Culture:
    • The outcome of regular cultural exchanges by both nations led to the signing of the Agreement on Cultural Cooperation in 2012.
    • India and Qatar celebrated the year 2019 as the “India-Qatar Year of Culture”.
    • “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” which started on 26th March 2021 has been celebrated by the Indian community in Qatar enthusiastically.
    • Qatar recognizes the importance of India’s Ayurveda and has allowed it to be practiced as an alternate medicine. 
  • Indian Diaspora:
    • Over 8 lakh Indians are residing in Qatar. They are the largest expatriate community in Qatar, working in various sectors like education, medicine, banking etc.  


  • Closeness to Pakistan: Qatar has been a traditional supporter of the Islamic nations, and Qatar is said to have warm ties with Pakistan (Kashmir issue). 
  • Death sentence of the Indian Navy officers: Recently Qatar’s verdict of death sentence has sent shock waves among the Indian community in Qatar and also to Indian leadership 
  • Balancing Israel and the Arab World: India has cordial relations with Israel and the Arab world. The recent attack by Israel on the Palestinians and Indian officers allegedly spying for Israel would be a major cause of an irritant. 
  • Extreme Confidentiality: Qatari leadership abstaining from disclosing adequate information on the recent death sentence. 
  • Terrorism: Qatar has been alleged to foster terrorism; it is in sharp contrast to India’s zero-tolerance policy on terrorism.
  • Qatar’s isolation: Qatar has been isolated in the Gulf due to strained relationships with Saudi Arabia and UAE. It would be challenging for India to strike a balance, as India maintains a cordial relationship with both Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
  • China factor: Qatar has aligned its National Vision 2030 with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) focusing on energy sectors.

Options available for India:

  • Legal Process: To pursue the case legally to ensure a free and fair trial. The Indian government can challenge the death sentence in the higher court and can seek reprieve from the death penalty.
  • Mercy Petition: The Indian government is helping the families of the officers to file a mercy plea to the Emir of Qatar, who is known for granting pardons. 
  • Political and Diplomatic Resolution: India being among the 3rd largest export destinations for Qatar’s exports, both nations have high economic stakes. India needs to engage diplomatically to diffuse the situation.
  • Transfer of Prisoners: The Transfer of Prisoner Agreement was signed between both countries in 2015. India could diplomatically push for it.

Way Forward:

  • Balancing the Israel-Muslim world: India needs to tread carefully amidst the Israel-Palestine conflict. India must manage the relations as India has high stakes on both sides.
  • Diplomatic engagement: It’s essential to speed up high-level diplomatic dialogues and negotiations with Qatar and open channels for legal and mercy methods to ensure citizens are returned to their families without disturbing the harmonious relationship between the nations.
  • Viability meets Essentiality:  India must approach Qatar with viable options to ensure a long-term beneficial relationship. At the same time, India must vouch for their case on essential release on humanitarian grounds

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