India records highest number of Internet shutdowns in 2023

News Excerpt: 

For the sixth year in a row, India led the world in internet shutdowns, disrupting the internet at least 116 times.

More About the News: 

In 2023, there was a concerning surge in internet shutdowns worldwide, marking it as the most severe year on record for such disruptions, as outlined in the latest report titled "Shrinking democracy, growing violence: internet shutdowns in 2023 published by Access Now organization." 

What is Internet shutdown: 

  • An internet shutdown is defined as a deliberate interruption of internet or electronic communications, rendering them inaccessible or effectively unusable for a specific population or within a particular location. 
  • Typically orchestrated by a government or similar authority, such actions are aimed at controlling the flow of information and influencing the behavior of individuals.

Global Findings: 

  • Unprecedented Levels of Shutdowns: The year 2023 saw the highest number of internet shutdowns in a single year since monitoring began in 2016, with 283 shutdowns across 39 countries. This represents a 41% increase from 2022, signaling a significant escalation in the use of shutdowns to suppress expression and hinder access to information.
  • Conflicts as Primary Driver: Conflicts emerged as the primary driver of shutdowns for the first time since 2016, with shutdowns intersecting with natural disasters as a new worrying trend. Shutdowns during conflicts exacerbated humanitarian crises, contributing to the most violent year on record.
  • Triggers for Shutdowns: Key triggers for shutdowns in 2023 included protests, school exams, and elections. Conflicts became the leading global driver for shutdowns, with more militaries employing them as part of deliberate strategies.
  • International Response: Despite challenges, there was significant international support to combat shutdowns in 2023, with stakeholders taking unprecedented action through initiatives like the #KeepItOn Election Watch and legal challenges, urging governments to uphold human rights obligations.
  • Continued Concerns: The fight against shutdowns continues, with elections slated for 2024 raising further concerns about the potential for increased shutdowns and their impact on democratic processes and human rights.

India Specific Findings: 

  • Frequency and Scope of Shutdowns: India led globally in internet shutdowns for the sixth consecutive year, with 116 shutdown orders issued in 2023. These shutdowns were increasingly targeting regional areas rather than localized ones, indicating a broader application of this measure.
  • Extensive Impact: Over the past five years, there have been over 500 shutdowns in India, affecting millions of citizens. Manipur, in particular, experienced a prolonged statewide shutdown for 212 days, severely impeding communication and documentation efforts, especially regarding human rights abuses.
  • Severe Consequences: Shutdowns in Manipur and Punjab highlighted the widespread suffering caused by these measures, affecting millions of individuals and impeding various aspects of life, including business, education, and access to information.
  • Proliferation and Duration: Shutdowns occurred not only at the national level but also in 13 states, with some states implementing multiple shutdowns throughout the year. The duration of shutdowns also increased, with over 41% lasting five days or more, indicating a trend towards longer disruptions.
  • Targeting Mobile Networks: A significant majority of shutdowns exclusively targeted mobile networks, despite the fact that most internet users in India rely on wireless services, indicating a disproportionate impact on mobile users.
  • Prolonged durations: The duration of shutdowns in India also increased in 2023, with over 41% lasting five days or more, compared to 15% in 2022. These shutdowns were compounded by the blocking of 14 messaging apps starting in early May, alongside 7,502 URL-blocking orders issued between January and October 2023. 
  • Legal Framework and Challenges: Despite a Supreme Court judgment  in Bhasin versus Union of India affirming the right to free speech and online activities, officials have failed to publish shutdown orders, highlighting a lack of transparency and accountability in the process. 
  • Economic Losses: The economic repercussions of shutdowns are profound, with reports indicating losses of $1.9 billion and a decline in foreign investment of $118 million in the first half of 2023 alone.
  • Impact on Marginalized Groups: Shutdowns disproportionately affect marginalized groups, exacerbating existing inequalities and hindering efforts towards equitable digitization, further widening the digital divide.


The prevalence of internet shutdowns in India contradicts the government's professed commitment to a 'Digital India' and undermines its credibility as a global leader in digitization. With over 500 documented shutdowns in the past five years, the Indian government must prioritize ensuring an internet shutdown-free environment if they aim to be recognized as credible advocates for digital access and human rights.

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