India to send defence attaches to more nations across Africa and Asia

News Excerpt:

India will deploy defence attaches in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Ivory Coast, Philippines, Armenia, and Poland, marking a significant shift in its strategic approach to bolster ties with key regions amidst growing geopolitical tensions.

About the news:

  • The Ministry of External Affairs plans to establish 26 new missions globally, out of which 18 will be set up in African nations.
    • India is assigning a new defence attaché to the small African nation of Djibouti. 
  • India has decided to assign defence attaches to Poland and Armenia for the first time, reflecting the increasing significance of these nations as security partners.

Reasons for the deployment:

  • The new postings in Africa underscore Africa's significance and foster opportunities for military cooperation and arms sales, particularly as many African countries aim to modernise their armed forces.
    • During last year's summit in New Delhi, India played a leading role in gaining the African Union's inclusion in the G20.
    • India's relations with Africa have also significantly risen as China seeks to extend its influence in African nations.
    • Djibouti is strategically significant as a major maritime hub connecting the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. It is highly valued for military bases and is considered a prized location. This will be the second defence attaché appointed to Djibouti.

  • Assigning defence attaches to Armenia follows a major arms deal with Armenia.
  • Deployment in Poland underscores Poland's increasing significance in European security dynamics.
  • India is considering boosting defence cooperation with the Philippines due to increasing global concerns about China's growing military presence in the South China Sea.

Significance of defence or military attaches:

  • They serve in diplomatic missions abroad and play a crucial role in facilitating communication and cooperation between their home country's military and the host country's military.
  • They gather and analyse military intelligence, foster military-to-military relationships, facilitate arms sales and military cooperation agreements, and provide assessments on security matters to their respective governments.
  • They often liaise between military personnel and the diplomatic community, contributing to national security objectives and diplomatic initiatives.

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