Indian multinationals have to pay a 15% global minimum tax in Europe

GS Paper III

News Excerpt:

Indian multinationals with a presence in 18 European Union nations, the UK, Vietnam and South Korea, will be subject to a 15% global minimum tax rule after they implemented rules for the tax reform.

What is the global minimum tax?

  • The global minimum tax was agreed upon by 137 countries and jurisdictions as part of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)
  • The aim of the global minimum tax is to ensure that multinational enterprises (MNEs) pay a minimum tax rate of 15% in each country where they operate, thus preventing profit shifting and tax avoidance.
  • It consists of two pillars
    • Pillar one focuses on addressing tax challenges arising from the digitalization of the economy.
    • Pillar two, known as the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules, establishes the base rate approach for the global minimum tax. 
      • It sets a minimum tax rate of 15% for MNEs with a turnover above a certain threshold. 
      • The intention is to prevent MNEs from shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions and engaging in harmful tax competition.


More on the news:

  • Some 130 countries, including India, have signed off on the global tax reform
  • However, the countries (European Union nations, the UK, Vietnam and South Korea) mentioned above have implemented domestic rules, which are effective from 1 January 2024 or later.
  • Given the implementation of the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules in these countries from 1 January, Indian-headquartered multinational business groups with a presence there will be required to comply with the GloBE rules even if India has yet to implement them.
  • Accordingly, Indian multinational groups will have to provide for top-up tax, if applicable, in their financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2024.
  • Eighteen of the EU's 27 nations have put in place domestic laws for the global minimum tax as per the EU directive.
  • The 15% global minimum tax rule - agreed to by the 130 countries in 2021 to prevent tax avoidance by multinationals - allows them to levy a ‘top-up tax’ on the intermediate holding company or the ultimate parent of an entity which artificially shows profits in a low-tax jurisdiction.

What is the top-up tax?

  • The top-up tax is the difference between the globally agreed minimum tax rate of 15% and the effective tax rate (ETR) the entity in the low-tax jurisdiction is subject to. 
  • If the low-tax country does not neutralise its tax advantage by introducing what is called a Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (QDMTT), the intermediate holding company or the ultimate parent in other jurisdictions will be subject to a top-up tax.
  • Even in cases where the intermediate holding company or the ultimate parent is in a low-tax jurisdiction, the global tax deal allows a way of neutralizing the tax advantage by subjecting group entities in countries with above 15% tax rates to additional tax. 
  • The consequences of failure to pay up the new tax "would be a top-up tax in the jurisdiction applicable
  • Ideally, most headquarters jurisdictions would impose the top-up tax, but under some circumstances, it could be other jurisdictions that the multinational enterprise operates in.
    • Or alternatively, the tax jurisdiction where the income arises could impose a Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-Up Tax (QDMTT).

Potential Impact on Developing Countries:

While the global minimum tax has been heralded as a major step towards fairer taxation, developing countries have expressed their concerns about its potential impact.

  • One of the main concerns for developing countries is the potential loss of tax incentives.
    • These countries fear that the elimination of tax incentives could discourage foreign direct investment (FDI) and hinder their economic development
  • Tax incentives have played a crucial role in attracting investments, and developing nations worry that the removal of these incentives could make them less competitive in the global market.
  • Additionally, developing countries are concerned about the potential loss of tax revenues to developed countries. 
  • Under the global minimum tax rules, if a developing country’s tax incentives result in an effective tax rate below 15%, the home country of the MNE may collect the minimum tax instead. 
    • This could lead to a shift of tax revenues from developing countries to developed nations, further exacerbating existing inequalities.

Navigating the Global Minimum Tax Landscape:

Given the potential challenges posed by the global minimum tax, developing countries need to navigate this new tax landscape carefully. Here are some key considerations for developing nations:

  • Reviewing and Modifying Tax Incentives:
    • Developing countries should conduct a comprehensive review of their existing tax incentives to assess their compatibility with the global minimum tax regime. 
    • This review should aim to identify and modify any tax incentives that may be affected by the minimum tax rate of 15%.
  • Strengthening Tax Administration and Enforcement:
    • To ensure compliance with the global minimum tax rules, developing countries need to strengthen their tax administration and enforcement mechanisms. 
    • This includes investing in technology and capacity-building to enhance their ability to monitor and collect taxes effectively. 
    • Developing nations should also consider collaborating with international organizations and other countries to share best practices and enhance their tax administration capabilities.
  • Advocating for Equity and Inclusivity:
    • Developing countries should actively participate in international tax discussions to advocate for their interests and ensure that the global minimum tax regime is fair and inclusive. 
    • They should seek to address concerns related to the distribution of taxing rights, the impact on tax revenues, and the potential disadvantages faced by developing countries. 
    • By actively engaging in the global tax reform debate, developing nations can influence the design and implementation of the global minimum tax.
  • Exploring Regional Cooperation:
    • Developing countries can also consider exploring regional cooperation to address the challenges posed by the global minimum tax. 
    • By collaborating with neighbouring countries, developing nations can develop regional strategies to attract investment, harmonize tax policies, and collectively negotiate with MNEs. 
    • Regional cooperation can help mitigate the potential disadvantages faced by individual developing countries and present a unified front in international tax discussions.
  • Diversifying the Economy:
    • Developing countries should focus on diversifying their economies to reduce their reliance on specific sectors or industries that may be more susceptible to the impact of the global minimum tax. 
    • By promoting economic diversification, developing nations can create resilient economies that are less vulnerable to changes in the global tax landscape.
  • Evaluating the Impact on FDI:
    • Developing countries should closely monitor the impact of the global minimum tax on FDI. 
    • While there are concerns that the elimination of tax incentives may deter foreign investors, it is important to assess the overall impact of the global minimum tax on FDI flows. 
    • Developing nations should track investment trends, evaluate the effectiveness of alternative investment strategies, and adjust their policies accordingly.
  • Promoting Transparency and Accountability:
    • Developing countries should prioritize transparency and accountability in their tax systems to build trust and attract investments. 
    • By implementing robust anti-corruption measures, promoting transparency, and enforcing strong corporate governance standards, developing nations can create an enabling environment for investors.

Way forward:

  • For India, many experts expect that the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) should come out with legislative amendments to the Income Tax Act to implement the global minimum tax regime and to levy any top-up tax it needs to.
  • Indian-headquartered groups with subsidiaries in low-tax jurisdictions, especially those that have already announced the implementation of the 15% global minimum tax regime, should evaluate its impact while preparing consolidated group financials.
    • Also, these companies need to analyse their existing transfer pricing arrangements and supply chains.

Transfer pricing refers to the valuation of multinational firms’ intra-group transactions across different countries that have a bearing on how income is recognized in these countries.


In conclusion, the global minimum tax represents a significant shift in international tax policy, particularly for developing nations. By carefully navigating this new tax landscape, developing countries can protect their interests and foster sustainable economic growth. The key lies in proactive policy making, regional cooperation, and advocating for fair and inclusive policies on the global stage.

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