Innovative Fabric for Pesticide Protection

News Excerpt: 

Researchers at the Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine (inStem) in Bengaluru have created an anti-insecticide fabric that effectively neutralises organophosphate-based pesticides.

How does it work?

  • Organophosphate pesticides inhibit an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase (AChE), essential for neuromuscular function.
  • Inhibition of AChE can lead to severe health issues, including learning deficits, suffocation, paralysis, and muscle weakness.
  • The innovative fabric developed by inStem neutralises these pesticides before they can reach the skin, preventing these adverse effects.
  • The team coated cotton fabric with small nucleophilic molecules that are covalently bonded to the cellulose of the fabric.
  • These molecules detoxify pesticides upon contact through nucleophile-mediated hydrolysis, breaking down the toxic compounds into harmless products.
  • The fabric remains breathable and durable, retaining its protective properties even after 150 washes.

Research and Collaboration:

  • The development of this fabric was a collaborative effort with Sepio Health Pvt Ltd, a spin-off company from inStem.
  • The research, recently published in Nature Communications, demonstrated the fabric’s efficacy in neutralising organophosphate pesticides.
  • The design of a nucleophile capable of deactivating a wide range of organophosphates and carbamates was a challenging aspect of the research.
  • Optimising the chemistry for industrial application was key to developing this effective anti-pesticide fabric.
  • Animal studies showed that rats exposed to pesticides while protected by the special fabric maintained normal levels of active AChE and did not suffer from the lethal effects observed in unprotected rats.

Significance of the innovation:

  • This breakthrough offers significant protection to farmers frequently exposed to these toxic chemicals. 
    • Unlike previous solutions such as topical gels, which may suffer from poor compliance, this fabric presents a practical and durable alternative.
  • It addresses a critical need for protecting farmers from chronic pesticide toxicity, a significant health risk due to frequent exposure.
  • The fabric's durability and reusability make it an affordable and practical solution, likely to increase compliance among users compared to topical gels.
  • The fabric’s mechanism does not act as a physical barrier but rather deactivates the pesticides hydrolytically, preventing AChE inhibition. 

Way Forward:

  • The success of this fabric opens up possibilities for further innovation in protective clothing for various hazardous environments.
  • Further research may explore the application of this technology to other types of pesticides and chemicals, broadening the scope of protection offered.
  • Additionally, scaling up production and ensuring widespread availability could significantly enhance the safety and health of farmers globally.

This groundbreaking development from inStem marks a significant advancement in occupational health, promising to mitigate the risks associated with pesticide exposure and improve the quality of life for those working in agriculture.

Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative

  • DBT-InStem is a premier organisation under the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and its mandate is world-class research.
  • Stem cell research has progressed at a phenomenal pace and is rapidly contributing to providing new avenues to prevent and cure many currently untreatable diseases.
  • The Institute has set up excellent research facilities focused on this area, placing immensely talented faculty in the vibrant and nurturing ecosystem of the Bangalore Life Sciences Cluster (BLiSC).
  • State-of-the art research laboratories, innovative well-funded research programmes and established procedures and policy have positioned DBT-inStem well, for achieving time-bound goals.

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