Mango is the king of fruits

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The mango season across India is on, and along with it the usual debate about which is the best mango variety to have.

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  • Mango trees are planted, produced and the fruit enjoyed by people in India, followed by China, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, and Mexico.
  • However, India stands out as the global leader, contributing a significant 54.2% to the total mango production worldwide. Not only do we consume the highest quantity of mangoes domestically, but we also excel in exporting them.
  • Last year alone, India exported a substantial 28,000 metric tons of mangoes, generating an impressive revenue of approximately 48 million dollars.
  • The historical roots of mango cultivation in India are deep, as noted in "A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food" by Dr. K.T. Achaya (Oxford University Press, 1998). Mangoes are native to India, flourishing in the northeastern hills and Myanmar, before being exported to neighboring countries.
    • Today, mango trees thrive in various states across India, including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha, and West Bengal
    • Each region's mangoes boast unique flavors and characteristics, adding to the rich tapestry of mango diversity in the country.
  • India boasts an impressive array of mango varieties, with over 1,000 identified types, owing to the ease of grafting mango plants.
  • The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has three outstanding centres involved in mango research. 
  • In addition, the National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology in New Delhi has been analysing the genome of the mango plant to understand its basic biology. 

Why is mango called the king of fruits? 

  • Superb Taste: Mangoes are renowned for their deliciously sweet and tangy flavor, making them a favorite among fruit lovers worldwide.
  • Nutritional Powerhouse: Mangoes boast an impressive array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. A single mango fruit provides substantial amounts of Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, along with essential minerals like magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), and potassium (K). Additionally, mangoes are rich in fiber, which aids digestion and promotes gut health.
  • Health Benefits: The abundance of nutrients in mangoes translates to various health benefits. According to research cited by the Cleveland Clinic, consuming mangoes can aid digestion, control hunger, promote healthy hair and skin, lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure, and even help prevent certain types of cancer. The presence of mangiferin, an antioxidant found in mangoes, is particularly noteworthy for its potential anti-cancer properties and ability to reduce ulcers.
  • Versatility: Mangoes are incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in numerous ways, whether eaten fresh, blended into smoothies, added to salads, or used in both sweet and savory dishes.
  • Cultural Significance: Mangoes hold a special place in the cultural traditions and rituals of many societies, further enhancing their symbolic importance as the "king of fruits."


India's dominant position in global mango trade underscores its reputation for producing high-quality fruit sought after both domestically and internationally. With significant exports fetching substantial revenue, mango cultivation serves as a vital economic driver for many Indian farmers and stakeholders.

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