MeDevIS: Medical Devices Information System

News Excerpt:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently introduced MeDevIS, an innovative online platform designed to provide users with extensive information on medical devices. 

Objectives of MeDevIS: 

  • It aims to improve access to medical devices worldwide, based on four critical components – availability, accessibility, appropriateness, and affordability. 
    • It aims to streamline access to information on medical devices to enhance decision-making processes.
  • The decisions are related to the selection, procurement, and utilization of medical devices.
  • This centralized repository of data will be crucial for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of various health conditions. 
  • It will assist healthcare professionals in selecting the most appropriate medical devices for various health conditions.
  • Enable governments and regulatory bodies to understand medical device requirements better and streamline procurement procedures.
  • Will support efforts to improve the accessibility and quality of medical devices worldwide, leading to better health outcomes.

Key Features of MeDevIS: 

  • Extensive Database: The platform includes information on 2301 types of medical devices used across various health areas such as reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health, noncommunicable diseases (e.g., cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes), and infectious diseases (e.g., COVID-19).
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be intuitive, MeDevIS allows users to easily navigate and find relevant information on a wide array of medical technologies.
  • Detailed Device Information: Each entry provides detailed descriptions, specifications, and usage guidelines, ensuring that users have access to comprehensive data.
  • Global Accessibility: As a global clearinghouse, MeDevIS is accessible to users worldwide, fostering international collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Significance of MeDevIS:

The launch of MeDevIS marks a significant milestone in WHO’s ongoing efforts to improve global healthcare standards. The platform holds immense potential in several key areas:

  • Empowering Healthcare Professionals: By providing easy access to detailed information on a vast array of medical devices, MeDevIS empowers healthcare professionals to make more informed decisions, ultimately enhancing patient care.
  • Supporting Policymakers: Governments and regulatory bodies can leverage the platform to better understand the medical device landscape, facilitating more efficient and effective procurement processes.
  • Promoting Global Health Equity: MeDevIS contributes to WHO’s mission of improving health outcomes by making high-quality medical device information accessible to all, particularly in low-resource settings.


MeDevIS is a groundbreaking initiative by the WHO, set to revolutionize the way medical device information is accessed and utilized globally. By enhancing decision-making capabilities, streamlining procurement processes, and promoting better health outcomes, MeDevIS stands as a testament to WHO’s commitment to advancing global healthcare standards.

Evolution of MeDevIS

  • The evolution of MeDevIS began with the 2007 World Health Assembly resolution WHA60.29, which led to the Priority Medical Devices (PMD) project focused on global access to essential medical devices. 
  • The project prioritized high-burden diseases and created lists of necessary devices for reproductive health, cancer, COVID-19, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. 
MeDevIS consolidates these lists into an online database, updated with new WHO guidelines. 
  • The 2022 World Health Assembly reaffirmed WHO's role in standardizing medical device definitions and urged integration with platforms like the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). 
  • MeDevIS also includes devices from the Trauma and Emergency Surgery Kit and the WHO Package of Eye Care Interventions, aiding health bodies in developing national device lists.

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