National Information System for Climate and Environment Studies (NICES)

GS Paper III

News Excerpt: 

NICES programme invites Indian researchers to join in combating climate change.

About NICES Programme: 

  • The National Information System for Climate and Environment Studies (NICES) programme operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)  the Department of Space along with other ministries and institutions
  • It operates within the framework of the National Action Plan on Climate Change.
    • Under this programme inviting Indian researchers to join in combating climate change.
  • NICES envisages realization of national-level accurate, consistent, and long-term climate database generation, derived from Indian and other Earth Observation (EO) satellites from both polar and geostationary missions for climate change impact assessment and mitigation.
  • NICES generates and disseminates long-term essential climate variables (ECVs) derived from Indian and other earth observation satellites. 
    • ECVs are critical to the characterisation of the earth’s climate as they track climate change at a global scale.
  • Projects can cover atmospheric, ocean, terrestrial, and cryospheric domains.
    • Themes include space-based ECVs and climate indicators, climate change challenges.
      • Such as impacts on marine biodiversity and ocean warming, weather extremes, and climate services like identifying vulnerability hotspots.

Aims of NICES: 

  • The NICES program  aims to enhance the participation of academia and research institutions in addressing climate change-related challenges through dedicated multidisciplinary scientific investigations. 
    • Project proposals are invited from individuals or groups of scientists, academicians, and researchers affiliated with various Indian government organisations, government-recognised institutions, universities, and departments in India. 
      • Projects are expected to be completed within 3 years from the date of sanction,” states ISRO.
  • The NICES Program seeks project proposals in areas like Space-based ECVs, Climate Indicators, Climate Change Challenges, Weather Extremes, and Climate Services. 

Objectives of the NICES:

  • To build long term database on climate variables.
  • Establish and develop linkages with appropriate observational networks for calibration and validation.
  • Acquisition and processing of international missions’ data for climate parameters in addition to Indian EO Satellite data to generate long term data records.
  • Establish necessary infrastructure including hardware and software for NICES for climate studies.
  • Geophysical parameter retrieval and generation of methodologies for Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) from Indian EO and other international missions.
  • Generation of spatial & temporal blended products .
  • Develop a science plan for climate change impact assessment, adaptation and mitigation studies with participating organizations.
  • Develop an outreach and interaction mechanism for effective dissemination and utilization of NICES information base.


  • Developed and made accessible over 70 geophysical variables related to terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric conditions.
    • Contributed to documenting climate change and its impacts by utilizing geophysical datasets derived from satellites and other sources.

National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)

  • The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) was released by the Prime Minister. It outlines a national strategy that aims to enable the country to adapt to climate change and enhance the ecological sustainability of India‘s development path
  • It stresses that maintaining a high growth rate is essential for increasing living standards of the vast majority of people of India and reducing their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. 

There are eight National missions that form the core of the National Action Plan.

1. National Solar Mission

2. National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency

3. National Mission on Sustainable Habitat

4. National Water Mission

5. National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem

6. National Mission for a Green India

7. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture

8. National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change

They focus on promoting understanding of climate change, adaptation and mitigation, energy efficiency, and natural resource conservation.


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