New 3D model of Human Lung

News Excerpt: 

IISc Scientists developed a novel 3D hydrogel culture system that closely mimics the human lung.

More about the model:

  • The new hydrogel culture is composed of collagen, a key component of lung tissue.
  • The 3D environment allows researchers to observe how TB bacteria interact with human immune cells over extended periods up to three weeks compared to just 4-7 days in conventional systems.

Significance of the new model:

  • RNA sequencing revealed that cells grown in the hydrogel more closely resemble actual human lung tissue samples than those in traditional cultures.
  • It addresses the limitations of traditional 2D culture models.
    • The older models fail to replicate the complex 3D structure of lung tissue, potentially skewing research results.
  • This increased biological accuracy could lead to more relevant research outcomes. The team also demonstrated the model's potential for drug testing.
  • This provides a platform to track and study how tuberculosis bacteria infect lung cells and test the efficacy of therapeutics used to treat the infection.

New findings based on the 3D model:

  • It has been found that a common TB drug, pyrazinamide, was effective at much lower, more clinically relevant doses than typically required in 2D cultures.

Future scope:

  • The researchers have filed an Indian patent for their innovation, which they designed to be easily replicable by other scientists and scalable for industrial drug testing.
  • This breakthrough can expedite further research on TB and potentially, lead to more effective treatment. 
  • The team is also interested in understanding the mechanism of the action of pyrazinamide, which may help discover new drugs that are more or just as efficient.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) 

  • It is a dangerous pathogen that causes TB.
  • TB affected 10.6 million people and caused 1.3 million deaths in 2023, according to the World Health Organisation.
    • India has the highest share of these cases accounting for 27% of the global cases.
  • The model is to study why TB manifests differently among patients and to explore new drug development possibilities.


Hydrogel and its application

  • Hydrogels are water-absorbent polymers that can retain significant amounts of water.
  • They are highly permeable to oxygen and nutrients, making them ideal for biological applications.
  • Different body tissues have unique requirements, and hydrogel properties can be tailored accordingly.
  • In tissue engineering (TE), hydrogels act as artificial extracellular matrices (ECM), providing essential support for cell repair and nourishment.
    • This adaptability makes hydrogels promising candidates for TE.
  • ECM is a macromolecular structure that provides mechanical support, stability, and elastic recoil for different pulmonary cells including the lung fibroblasts.
  • They are also used for modeling different body parts for research.
  • Scientists are researching their potential to grow replacement body parts in the future, highlighting their significant role in advancing medical treatments.

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