New low-cost MRI machine can improve access to diagnostics in India

News Excerpt: 

Scientists have designed a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner that costs a fraction of existing machines, setting the stage for improving access to this widely used diagnostic tool.

What is magnetic resonance imaging?

  • MRI, is a noninvasive medical imaging test that produces detailed images of almost every internal structure in the human body, including the organs, bones, muscles and blood vessels
  • MRI scanners create images of the body using a large magnet and radio waves.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is used to obtain images of soft tissues within the body.
    • Soft tissue is any tissue that hasn’t become harder through calcification.
  • Use of MRI is particularly important in the observation and treatment of certain cancers, including prostate and rectal cancer, and to track neurological conditions including Alzheimer’s, dementia, epilepsy, and stroke.
  • An MRI helps visualize minute details in the human body, with which doctors can diagnose disorders and select treatments for the brain, the heart, various cancers, and orthopedic conditions.
  • These scanners work by using strong magnetic fields, measured in units called tesla (T), and radio waves to generate images of internal organs. 
  • The strength of these magnetic fields in clinical MRI setups range between 1.5 T and 3 T or 4-8-times stronger than the typical magnetic field in a sunspot on the Sun.

Initial Problems Faced by High-Cost MRI Machines:

  • High cost of the machine itself (9-13 crore rupees or $1.1-1.6 million).
  • There are also additional infrastructure costs for shielded rooms, liquid helium cooling, and high power requirements.
  • They are also inaccessible in low- and middle-income countries like India due to the high costs involved.
  • Risk of metallic objects being pulled into the strong magnetic field.
  • Claustrophobia experienced by some patients due to the enclosed scanning environment.

New Low cost MRI machine:

  • To address the problems faced by conventional MRI machines, a team at the University of Hong Kong designed and built an MRI machine using low strength magnets and store-bought hardware. 
  • This simplified machine costs around $22,000, or about Rs 18.4 lakh. 
  • The machine uses 0.05 T magnets and doesn’t need a shielded room or helium coolant to operate. 
  • It can be plugged into standard wall-power outlets.

Advantages of the Low-Cost MRI Machine:

  • Affordability: The low-cost machine is around 50-times cheaper than conventional 3T MRI machines costing between 9-13 crore rupees.
  • No specialized infrastructure required: It does not need a shielded room, liquid helium cooling, or high power sources, reducing infrastructure costs and making it more accessible.
  • Standard power supply: It can be plugged into standard wall-power outlets, eliminating the need for specialized power sources.
  • Portability: Being lighter and more portable, it can increase accessibility in remote areas.
  • Quieter operation: The machine is less noisy during operation, making it suitable for use in pediatric settings.
  • Open scanning environment: It can be set up in an open scanning environment, alleviating claustrophobia that sometimes arises in conventional enclosed MRI machines.
  • Reduced artifacts: The lower magnetic field strength may generate fewer artifacts due to metal implants or prosthetics in the final image.
  • Safety: The reduced magnetic field strength may prevent accidents involving metallic objects being pulled into the machine.

Disadvantages of the Low-Cost MRI Machine:

  • Lower image resolution: It can only detect tissue damage as small as 4 mm, compared to 1 mm for a more costly 1.5T scanner.
  • Missing anatomical details: Some anatomical areas from which information needs to be extracted may not show up.
  • Potentially lower image quality: While comparable to 3T machines with AI enhancement, the image quality may still be lower for certain applications.

Way Forward:

  • While the low-cost MRI machine may not match the image quality and resolution of high-field MRI machines for certain applications, it offers several significant advantages in terms of affordability, accessibility, and safety. 
  • These advantages could "make a difference" by providing basic diagnostics in small centers and remote areas where high-cost MRI machines are currently unavailable. 
  • The low-cost machine could complement high-field scanners in radiology departments and be particularly useful in emergencies or for initial imaging before transferring patients to specialized centers.

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