Potency Test

News Excerpt:

The Special Investigation Team (SIT) which is investigating sexual assault allegations against a high-profile Member of Parliament (MP) is likely to have him take medical tests, including a potency test.

What is a Potency Test? 

  • A potency test examines a male's ability to develop or maintain a penile erection for sexual intercourse. 
  • It is conducted as medical evidence in cases involving sexual assault, divorce, and paternity suits.
  • Section 53 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) allows for such tests on the accused during the investigation on the recommendation of a registered medical practitioner.
  • It also allows examination of “blood, blood-stains, semen, swabs in case of sexual offences, sputum and sweat, hair samples, and fingernail clipping by the use of modern and scientific techniques including DNA profiling.

Relevance in Sexual Assault Cases:

  • The potency test report is presented to counter potential defence claims of the accused being incapable of sexual intercourse.
  • Potency is not constant and can vary due to physiological and psychological factors. Just because a man is unable to develop or sustain an erection at the time of the test, does not mean that he cannot do so at other times.
  • Reports indicate the accused's capability for sexual intercourse at the time of the test but do not conclusively determine guilt or innocence. Hence it is of Corroborative Value.
  • Similar to the controversial two-finger test for determining the sexual history of the victim, potency tests have limited evidentiary value.

Legal Changes and Impact:

  • Post-2013 Amendments: The expansion of the definition of rape in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) reduced the relevance of potency tests.
  • The definition of Rape now includes penetration of "any object" or "mouth" to "any part of the body" of a woman, not limited to peno-vaginal intercourse.
  • Legal amendments prioritize the survivor's statement as primary evidence, diminishing reliance on potency tests.

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