News Excerpt: 

NASA Launches Small Climate Satellite - PREFIRE (Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment) mission to Study Earth’s Poles.

About the PREFIRE Mission:

  • The PREFIRE (Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment) mission was jointly developed by NASA and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • The agency’s PREFIRE (Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment) mission consists of two shoebox-size cube satellites, or CubeSats, that will measure the amount of heat Earth radiates into space from two of the coldest, most remote regions on the planet. 
  • Data from the PREFIRE mission will help researchers better predict how Earth’s ice, seas, and weather will change in a warming world.
  • This will improve prediction of sea ice loss, ice sheet melt, and sea level rise, creating a better understanding of how our planet’s system will change in the coming years as well as give a crucial information to farmers tracking changes in weather and water, fishing fleets working in changing seas, and coastal communities building resilience.
  • At the heart of the PREFIRE mission is Earth’s energy budget – the balance between incoming heat energy from the Sun and the outgoing heat given off by the planet.

Earth’s Energy Budget:

  • Earth strives to maintain a balance between the overall amount of incoming and outgoing energy at the top of the atmosphere. This is called Earth’s energy budget or Earth's radiation budget. 
  • Earth receives incoming energy from the Sun. Earth also emits energy back to space. 
  • For Earth’s temperature to be stable over long periods of time (for the energy budget to be in balance), the amount of incoming energy and outgoing energy must be equal. 
  • If incoming energy is more than outgoing energy, Earth will warm. If outgoing energy is greater than incoming energy, Earth will cool.

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