Pulicat Wetland

News Excerpt: 

Concerns loom over damage to Pulicat wetland as claim settlement of villages in the sanctuary begins.

Pulicat Lake

  • Pulicat Lake is a saltwater lagoon on the Coromandel Coast of Andhra Pradesh state. 
  • It extends from the extreme southeastern portion of Andhra Pradesh into the adjacent portion of Tamil Nadu. 
  • It has a length of about 30 miles (50 km) and a width of 3 to 10 miles (5 to 16 km). Towns along the lake include Dugarajupatnam and Pulicat. 
  • Sriharikota Island separates Pulicat Lake from the Bay of Bengal, 
    • It is the site of Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India’s satellite-launching facility. 
    • The sea entrance into the lake is around the south end of the island, north of the town of Pulicat on the mainland.

More about News:

  • Initiation of settlement of claims for local communities residing within Pulicat Birds Sanctuary boundary limits has raised concerns over the shrinking of the sanctuary's eco-sensitive zone (ESZ).
  • The National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management has done a study of the wetland, and the ESZ will be marked based on its zone of influence.
  • The State government plans to denotify a sizable area of the sanctuary. 
    • During the 77th meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Board for Wildlife held in January 2024, 
      • A proposal for the use of 215.83 hectares of non-forest land for the development of an industrial park inside the eco-sensitive zone and 5 km from the bird sanctuary.
  • The process of rationalizing the sanctuary's boundaries has begun, with the settlement of claims being the first step towards denotifying the sanctuary.
    • Chief Wildlife said that once that was done and the final notification was released, 
      • The current 10 km buffer would not exist.
      •  The ESZ would be declared based on the sanctuary boundary.

Significance of Pulicat Lake:

  • Pulicat is a biodiversity hotspot that hosts around 250 species of birds, 50 of which are intercontinental species.
  • Pulicat lagoon is unique in its vulnerability to shoreline dynamics and the presence of more mangrove plantations in the ESZ rather than in the Sanctuary area
      • Over one lakh people depend on it for livelihood and identity. 
      • Its importance to wildlife and role in Central Asian Flyway for birds.
  • The Pulicat barrier island and associated sand systems act as critical cyclonic buffers and barricades against tidal and storm surges.
    • It also acts as a climate buffer for the city, as the lagoon-wetland complex acts as a massive flood water catchment when cyclones hit the coast.
  • Pulicat is one of the very few sites that are both historically and ecologically significant. It is one of the few landscapes where the local's water use is extremely knowledge-driven. It is used for agriculture, marine fishing and inland fishing.

Key concerns over Pulicat Lake:

  • Shrinking of the eco-sensitive zone (ESZ) due to the proposed denotification of a sizable area of the Pulicat Birds Sanctuary.
  • Potential detrimental impact of industrial expansion projects on the already damaged Pulicat ecosystem.


It's crucial to prioritise the conservation of Pulicat Lake's unique ecosystem and the well-being of its wildlife and human inhabitants. Balancing economic development with environmental preservation is key to ensuring the long-term sustainability of this ecologically significant area.

National Board for Wildlife:

  • The National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) (formerly known as the Indian Board for Wildlife) is a statutory board constituted under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, and chaired by the Prime Minister with the Minister of Environment and Forests as the vice-chair. 
  • The board advises the federal and state governments in matters concerning wildlife conservation policy, illegal trade and poaching, management of national parks and sanctuaries, impact assessments of projects on wildlife, and other related issues.  
  • The tenure of each board is 3 years, after which a new one is constituted.

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