Seamounts triple the size of Burz khalifa

News Excerpt:

Recently, the crew of Schmidt Ocean Institute’s research vessel Falkor discovered four underwater mountains, the tallest of which is over 1.5 miles high.


  • A seamount is an underwater mountain with steep sides rising from the seafloor.
    • There is a broad distribution of seamounts, but to be classified as a seamount, the feature must have a vertical relief of at least 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) above the surrounding seafloor.
  • Seamounts often host vibrant coral reefs, sponges, and other organisms.

More about the discovery:

  • The four newly discovered seamounts range in height from approximately 1591 meters to 2681 meters.
  • These massive seamounts were found as the team examined gravity anomalies and subtle changes in the ocean’s surface shape, indicating underwater topography, during the transit from Costa Rica to Chile.
  • Researchers used multibeam sonar mapping and satellite data to map the seabed and confirmed that the seafloor features had not been previously included in any bathymetric database.
    • The discovery of lofty seamounts arose from examining satellite surface clues indicating seafloor shape changes.

Significance of the Ocean Mapping:

  • Seafloor/Ocean mapping is the foundation of ocean exploration.
  • It helps identify geologic faults and submarine landslides, providing baseline information for assessing and mitigating natural hazards such as earthquakes and tsunamis.
    • It also helps to develop models to determine coastal flooding risks from sea-level rise and storms.
  • Detailed mapping enables better resource management, navigation safety, and biodiversity protection. 
  • Bathymetric surveying can uncover biodiversity treasures and enhance sustainability efforts towards marine biodiversity. 

About Schmidt Ocean Institute:

  • Schmidt Ocean Institute was established in 2009 by Eric and Wendy Schmidt to catalyse the discoveries that are needed to understand our ocean, sustain life, and ensure the health of our planet through the pursuit of impactful scientific research and intelligent observation, technological advancement, open sharing of information, and public engagement, all at the highest levels of international excellence. 


The discovery of these immense seamounts highlights gaps in seafloor understanding. Detailed mapping aids resource management, navigation, and biodiversity protection. Utilising sonar and satellite data, this discovery underscores the importance of ocean exploration for sustainability and marine biodiversity conservation.

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