Signs of a Comeback for UK’s Elm Trees

News Excerpt:

Elm trees have been dying in the UK since the 1960s, but they might be making a comeback.

Elm Tree

  • Elm, (genus Ulmus), genus of about 35 species of forest and ornamental shade trees of the family Ulmaceae, native primarily to north temperate areas.
  • Many are cultivated for their height and attractive foliage.
  • Elm wood is used in constructing boats and farm buildings because it is durable underwater; it is also used for furniture.

More About News

  • Elm trees used to be everywhere in the UK countryside. The trouble started with Dutch elm disease.
    • This fungal disease, spread by the elm bark beetle, arrived in the UK in the early 20th century.
  • A stronger strain of the disease came in the 1960s and wiped out most of the UK’s 30 million elms.
  • Elms survive by producing suckers—new stems that grow from their roots. Even if a tree dies from disease, new stems grow and replace it. This cycle allows elms to continue living, even though they often stay in a sort of “perpetual adolescence.”
  • While these young elms show great resilience, efforts are being made to bring back fully grown elm trees.

Dutch elm disease:

  • It is spread by beetles who bore through elm bark. The elm bark beetle carries a fungus from tree to tree. 
  • The damage causes dark streaks to appear on the bark. 
  • Dutch elm disease (DED) causes wilt and death in all elm species native to Minnesota.
  • An invasive fungal pathogen causes the disease and occurs throughout Minnesota.
  • Elm bark beetles spread the DED fungus when feeding.
    • The DED fungus can spread from tree to tree through root grafts.
  • Fungicide injections can protect elm trees from infection by bark beetles.
  • If caught early, DED infections can be pruned out and fungicides can protect the tree.
  • DED-resistant varieties are available.

New Elm Varieties

  • Since the mild strain of Dutch elm disease, global efforts have been made to create disease-resistant elms.
  • Breeding programs in the US, Netherlands, Italy, and Spain have produced several varieties that can resist even the stronger strain of Dutch elm disease.
    • These new trees are made by crossing European elms with naturally resistant Asian species like Siberian or Himalayan elm or by cloning resistant European elms.
  • Across the UK, elm enthusiasts import and look after new disease-resistant varieties.

Revival of Elm Tree

  • Only breeders can propagate and sell their own varieties of elms, which means UK nurseries cannot take cuttings and sell their own trees.
  • Dr. David Herling tried to solve this problem by creating a patent-free, disease-resistant elm that couldn't be sold for profit.
  • A recent Guardian article highlighted Herling’s work and discussed new elm varieties as part of a reintroduction effort. This effort aims to bring back a species that people thought had disappeared, even though millions of elms still survive.
  • Elm trees have had a tough history, but there is hope. The dedication of many people and the resilience of the species make its survival possible.

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