The cement that could turn your house into a giant battery

News Excerpt:

Concrete, a ubiquitous building material, may soon play a pivotal role beyond structural support.

More About the News: A groundbreaking innovation from MIT and Harvard University could redefine concrete's role in energy storage. They have developed a carbon-cement supercapacitor, transforming buildings and roads into potential energy storage units and paving the way for a sustainable future.

What is carbon cement supercapacitor: Carbon-cement supercapacitors are a type of energy storage device that utilises a composite material made of carbon and cement. 

  • These supercapacitors leverage the high surface area and conductivity of carbon, combined with the binding properties of cement, to create a durable and efficient energy storage solution. 
  • They are being explored for various applications, including renewable energy storage and electric vehicles, due to their potential for high performance and low cost.

How Carbon-Cement Supercapacitors Work?

  • Carbon Electrodes: The supercapacitor has two electrodes made of porous carbon material. The porous structure of carbon provides a large surface area, allowing for more electrical charge to be stored.
  • Electrolyte: A conductive electrolyte solution is used to facilitate the movement of ions between the two electrodes. This electrolyte typically contains ions like potassium or sodium.
  • Cement Matrix: The carbon electrodes are embedded within a cement matrix. The cement acts as a binder, holding the electrodes in place and providing structural support.
  • Charge Storage: When a voltage is applied across the electrodes, ions from the electrolyte are attracted to the surface of the carbon electrodes, where they adhere. This process stores electrical charge on the surface of the electrodes.
  • Discharge: When the supercapacitor is discharged, the stored ions are released back into the electrolyte, generating an electric current.

The Challenge of Renewable Energy Storage

  • Intermittency: Solar and wind power generation fluctuates with weather conditions and time of day, leading to mismatches between energy supply and demand. Effective storage solutions are needed to store excess energy during periods of high generation and release it when needed.
  • Seasonal Variability: Renewable energy generation can vary seasonally, with different patterns of sunlight and wind throughout the year. Storage systems must be able to accommodate these long-term fluctuations.
  • Grid Integration: Introducing large-scale energy storage systems into the existing grid infrastructure requires careful planning and integration. This includes managing grid stability, frequency regulation, and voltage control.
  • Cost: The cost of energy storage technologies is a significant barrier to widespread deployment. While the cost of renewable energy generation has decreased significantly in recent years, storage solutions must also become more cost-effective to enable broader adoption.
  • Efficiency: Energy storage systems should be efficient in terms of both energy conversion and storage, minimising losses during charging, discharging, and storage cycles.
  • Traditional lithium-ion batteries, reliant on scarce and environmentally damaging lithium, are insufficient to meet global demand.

Potential Applications of  Carbon-Cement Supercapacitors:

  • Renewable Energy Storage: Carbon-cement supercapacitors can be used to store excess energy generated from renewable sources like solar and wind power. They offer high power density and fast charging/discharging rates, making them suitable for smoothing out fluctuations in renewable energy generation.
  • Electric Vehicles (EVs): Supercapacitors can complement or even replace traditional batteries in electric vehicles. Their ability to rapidly charge and discharge can enhance regenerative braking systems and provide quick bursts of power for acceleration.
  • Portable Electronics: These supercapacitors can power portable electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, and wearables. Their fast charging capability would be especially beneficial in situations where users need a quick recharge.
  • Grid-Level Energy Storage: Carbon-cement supercapacitors can contribute to grid-level energy storage systems, helping to stabilize the power grid by providing rapid response to fluctuations in demand and supply.
  • Industrial Applications: Supercapacitors can be used in industrial applications such as uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), where they provide backup power during outages or voltage sags.
  • Smart Grids and Microgrids: They can play a role in smart grid and microgrid applications by supporting load balancing, voltage regulation, and frequency control.
  • Pulsed Power Systems: Supercapacitors are also suitable for pulsed power applications in fields like defense, aerospace, and medical devices, where high-power bursts are required intermittently.
  • A cubic meter of carbon cement stores 300 watt-hours, enough to power a 10-watt LED for 30 hours. 
    • Scaling up could enable home foundations to meet daily energy needs.


  • Energy Density: Compared to batteries, supercapacitors typically have lower energy density, meaning they can store less energy per unit volume or mass. Improving the energy density of carbon-cement supercapacitors without sacrificing other performance metrics is a key challenge.
  • Cycling Stability: Ensuring long-term cycling stability and durability is crucial for practical applications. Supercapacitors should maintain their performance over thousands or even millions of charge/discharge cycles.
  • Cost: The cost of materials and manufacturing processes for supercapacitors needs to be reduced to make them competitive with traditional energy storage technologies like lithium-ion batteries.
  • Temperature Stability: Supercapacitor performance can be sensitive to temperature variations. Developing materials and designs that maintain performance across a wide range of temperatures is essential, especially for automotive and outdoor applications.
  • Scale-Up and Manufacturing: Scaling up production and manufacturing processes to meet commercial demands while maintaining consistency and quality is a significant challenge.
  • Safety: Like all energy storage devices, ensuring the safety of supercapacitors, especially during charging, discharging, and in the event of mechanical damage or thermal runaway, is critical for consumer and industrial applications.

Way Forward:

  • While still experimental, carbon-cement supercapacitors offer a promising solution for integrating energy storage into the built environment.
  • Overcoming technical challenges and scaling up production could make energy-storing buildings and roads a reality, powering our homes and cities sustainably.
  • With continued research, energy-storing infrastructure may soon become a cornerstone of a cleaner, sustainable future.

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