Victory Day

News Excerpt:

On 9th May, Russia marked Victory Day with President Vladimir Putin praising his military's actions in Ukraine and criticizing the West for its involvement in global conflicts.

About the News: 

  • During his speech, Putin highlighted Russia's dedication to preventing conflicts among major powers and asserted the country's stance against any threats. 
  • This year's Victory Day, occurring shortly after Putin's fifth term began, carries added weight amidst ongoing geopolitical tensions, with Putin leading commemorative events across Russia honoring the nation's wartime sacrifices.

What is Victory Day?

The Victory Day, observed on May 9th annually in Russia and several former Soviet republics, commemorates the triumph over Nazi Germany in World War II. This day is marked by various ceremonies, including military parades, wreath-laying, and gatherings to honor veterans, fostering a sense of patriotic pride.

  • World War II: World War II erupted in September 1939 with the German invasion of Poland, evolving into a global conflict involving numerous nations and alliances. The Soviet Union joined the war in 1941 following an invasion of its territory by German forces.
  • Soviet-German conflict: During the Soviet-German conflict, the Soviet Union endured significant losses in both military and civilian lives. Despite initial setbacks, the Soviet Red Army gradually reversed the course of the war.
  • Hitler’s suicide: The major offensives launched by Soviet forces aimed at liberating Eastern Europe from Nazi occupation, including the pivotal Battle of Berlin, resulting in the capture of the German capital led to suicide of Adolf Hitler in April 1945.
  • Victory Day: Victory Day holds immense significance as on May 9, 1945, the German Instrument of Surrender was signed, formally ending the war in Europe. This day symbolizes the resilience of the Soviet Union, with cities like Stalingrad, Kursk, and Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) standing as enduring symbols of the country's ability to overcome monumental challenges.

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