Vijayanagara-era inscriptions found near Huligi dam

News Excerpt: 

Historical inscription from Vijayanagara dynasty found near Mudlapura in Koppala taluk, revealing insights into ancient water management and religious practices.

More detail about news:

  • The find was made during routine work by the Karnataka irrigation corporation.
    • While conducting operations near the Huligi Dam, communication and documentation experts informed the state archaeological museums and heritage department about the presence of the inscription.
  • Deputy director of the archaeological department at Hampi, and the assistant archaeology department conducted fieldwork at the site.
    • Their efforts led to the discovery of a six-line Kannada inscription, believed to date back to the reign of the Vijayanagara kings.

About Inscription

  • The inscription was found at the source of the Huligi dam across the Tungabhadra river.
  • Measuring 14-feet in length and 3-feet in width, the inscriptions surfaced due to reduced water levels in the Tungabhadra river, a result of lower than average rainfall this year.
  • The inscription mentions Nagannadannanayaka, a prominent chief under the Vijayanagara kings, who constructed a ford (check dam) across the Tungabhadra river at a place called Kalaur, located northwest of Malinathdeva village
    • This ford, referred to as Huligiyakatti, was part of an ancient canal system.
  • The inscription reveals that water from this canal was directed to Huligi, a renowned religious site.
  • The discovery has sparked interest among historians and archaeologists, who see it as a crucial piece of evidence for understanding the region’s past. The inscription not only highlights the advanced engineering skills of the Vijayanagara period but also underscores the cultural and religious importance of water management in sustaining both agriculture and spiritual sites.

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