World’s Cleanest Pigs Raised to Grow Kidneys, Hearts for Humans

News Excerpt:

The first gene-edited pig organs ever transplanted into people came from animals born on a special research farm in the Blue Ridge mountains.

Process of Raising Gene-Edited Pigs for Organ Transplantation

Gene Modification:

  • Scientists modify genes in pig skin cells, initially deleting a gene that produces a sugar named alpha-gal, which triggers immune system rejection in humans.
  • Additional gene edits are made to remove other immune-triggering factors, lessen the risk of rejection and blood clots, and limit organ size.


  • Cloning is done similarly to the process used to create Dolly the sheep.
  • Eggs are retrieved from sow (adult female Pig) ovaries at slaughterhouses.These eggs are fertilized In-vitro. 
  • Maternal DNA is removed, and genetic modifications are inserted.
  • Electric shocks fuse the new DNA, activating embryo growth.

Embryo Implantation:

  • Embryos are carried to the research farm in a handheld incubator.
  • The embryos are implanted into waiting sows.

Raising Pigs:

  • Pigs are raised in biosecure, air-conditioned barns with strict hygiene protocols. 
  • Air and water are highly filtered, and feed is disinfected to prevent infections.
  • Piglets are raised in pathogen-free environments to ensure their health and suitability for organ donation.

Organ Harvesting and Transplantation:

  • Once the pigs reach the appropriate size and age, organs are harvested for transplantation.
  • These organs are used for experimental transplants and clinical trials to evaluate their effectiveness and safety in humans.
  • Last year, a Maryland team performed the world's first transplant of a genetically altered pig heart into a dying man. David Bennett survived for two months before the heart failed, with the presence of a pig virus later detected in the organ.

Way Ahead: 

  • It will take years of clinical trials to prove whether xenotransplantation could work. But if successful, plans include even larger facilities capable of producing up to 2,000 organs a year. 
  • The field is at a promising point, with studies indicating no immediate rejection. 
  • The next few years are anticipated to be super exciting for this pioneering field.


  • Xenotransplantation is the process of transplanting organs, tissues, or cells from one species to another, typically from animals to humans.
  • Gene-editing technologies enable scientists to modify animal organs to reduce the risk of rejection and other complications, making them more compatible for human recipients.
  • This technique can address the critical shortage of human donor organs, which leaves thousands of patients on transplant waiting lists.
  • With the demand for organs far exceeding the supply, xenotransplantation offers a promising solution to save lives.
  • If successful, xenotransplantation could revolutionize organ transplantation, providing a sustainable and ready-made supply of vital organs.


Cloning involves creating genetically identical copies of an organism.

Natural Cloning: Occurs without human intervention, such as:

  • Asexual Reproduction: Single-celled organisms like bacteria reproduce by binary fission.It can be seen in organisms like Amoeba.
  • Vegetative Propagation: Plants like strawberries produce runners, which grow into new plants having similar genetic makeup as mother plants.
  • Monozygotic Baby: A naturally occurring clone in humans is an identical twin, formed when a single fertilized egg splits into two embryos, resulting in two genetically identical individuals.

Artificial Cloning:Conducted by scientists, includes:

  • Gene Cloning: Copying genes, as in case of producing insulin using  Escherichia coli bacteria.
  • Reproductive Cloning: Creating whole animals, for example Dolly the sheep, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell.
  • Therapeutic Cloning: Producing embryonic stem cells for medical treatments, aiming to regenerate tissues or organs.

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