Worm develops food habits and their offspring ‘inherit’ them

News Excerpt:

Researchers found that after C. elegans worms ate a disease-causing bacteria, its children knew from birth to avoid making the same mistake. Given the mechanism by which this transmission occurs, the study raises questions about whether humans could have the same ability.

About the study:

Learned Avoidance Behaviour:

  • C. elegans grows within 3-5 days from a fertilized egg to a millimeter-long adult, and it has provided profound insights into the human body and biology more broadly.
  • Researchers found that when C. elegans worms ate a disease-causing strain of bacteria named Pseudomonas vranovensis, their offspring inherited the 'knowledge' to avoid this bacteria for up to four generations.
  • P. vranovensis produces a small RNA molecule (sRNA) which the worms ingest along with the bacteria. 
    • This sRNA alters the worm's feeding behavior to avoid this pathogenic bacteria in the future.
    • Not all genes encode mRNAs and proteins. The end product of some genes, especially small genes that are only about a tenth as long is sRNA. These sRNA bind to other proteins and RNAs, and either enhance or reduce the expression of other genes.
  • This behavior is transmitted to the trained worm's progeny, grand-progeny, great-grand-progeny, and great-great-grand progeny, decaying only from the fifth generation.
  • The sRNA from P. vranovensis reduces the expression of a gene called maco-1 in the worm, which plays an important neurological role and is also found in humans.
  • When the researchers engineered E. coli bacteria to express the P. vranovensis sRNA and fed it to the worms, 
    • The worms learned to avoid the pathogenic P. vranovensis, and their offspring also inherited this behavior.

Good ‘memory loss’

  • The worms trained to avoid pathogenic P. vranovensis initially also avoided the non-pathogenic Pseudomonas mendocina, which served as a source of nutrition. 
    • The researchers speculate that the 'memory loss' after five generations allows the worms to re-learn to consume beneficial bacteria like P. mendocina.
  • The sRNA that triggered learned avoidance behavior came initially from the bacteria and was taken up by the worm that fed on them. 
    • The sRNA was maintained in the worms’ bodies, transmitted to their descendants, and maintained in them. 
      • This happens through a mechanism called RNA interference(RNAi).
      • While RNAi is a gene-silencing technology that inhibits protein synthesis in target cells using double-stranded RNA, antisense technology achieves the same result through single-stranded RNA.

Additional Information:

  • Discoveries based on C. elegans were recognized by Nobel Prizes in 2002, 2006, and 2008. 
    • This tiny worm has played an outsized role in the advancement of scientific and medical research.
    • It was the first multicellular organism to have its full genome sequenced and neural wiring mapped.
    • For example, a gene that triggers a process during C. elegans’ development has been found in the human genome, and mutations in it have been associated with limb deformities.

Understanding RNA, large and small

  • A DNA molecule is like a big ladder
    • Its two side rails, or strands, are made of a long series of alternating units of phosphate and sugar deoxyribose molecules. 
    • Each sugar unit is attached to one of four chemical bases
      • adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). 
      • The As and Cs on one strand are bonded with Ts and Cs on the other by hydrogen bonds. 
      • These bonds form the rungs that hold the strands together.
  • A single P. vranovensis bacterium has 6-7 million rungs in its DNA, coding for about 5,500 genes. 
  • A gene is a segment of a few thousand base pairs of the DNA molecule
    • Every gene is instructions that tell a cell how to make a protein.
  • In contrast to DNA, the RNA molecule is like a half-ladder or a comb
    • Its spine is made up of alternating units of phosphate and sugar ribose.
  • Each ribose molecule is attached to one of four bases: 
    • A, C, G, or uridine (U), which jut out from the strand like the comb’s tines. 
  • A cell copies the sequence of As, Ts, Cs, and Gs in a gene in the DNA into the sequence of Us, As, Gs, and Cs in an RNA molecule. 
  • This RNA is called the messenger (mRNA)
    • The length of this mRNA is comparable to that of the gene from which it is derived. 
  • The mRNA moves to structures called ribosomes, where the cell assembles the corresponding protein.

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