Today's Editorial

Today's Editorial - 06 June 2024

Disparities in schooling quality need to end for better outcomes

Relevance: GS Paper I & II

Why in News? 

Although the Right to Education Act of 2009 addressed access issues, disparities in education quality persist among Indian states.

More About the News: 

Simply ensuring access to schools isn't enough, rather the quality of education is paramount. The Right to Education (RTE) Act of 2009 marked a significant step towards universal access to education in India. 

  • However, quality remains inconsistent, highlighting a need for focused interventions and resource allocations to improve learning outcomes. 
  • Empirical studies like the National Achievement Survey (NAS) emphasize these disparities and the importance of prioritizing educational quality alongside access.

Current State of Learning Outcomes: The NAS 2021 reveals substantial disparities in educational outcomes across Indian states. 

  • States such as Punjab, Rajasthan, and Haryana show better performance in Mathematics and Science at the Class 10 level, while states like Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Chhattisgarh lag significantly behind
  • Additionally, NAS 2021 indicates a worrying decline in student performance compared to NAS 2017, exacerbated by a shift from rote learning to competency-based assessments and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Class Specific Outcomes:

  • Class 3: Scores dropped by 3.9% in Language, 4.7% in Mathematics, and 4.4% in Environmental Studies (EVS).
  • Class 5: Declines of 3.1% in Language, 8.4% in Mathematics, and 8.7% in EVS.
  • Class 8: Decreases of 1.6% in Language, 5.2% in Mathematics, 8.8% in Science, and 8.3% in Social Science.
  • Class 10: Average scores fell by 13.4% in Mathematics, 18.6% in Science, and 9.1% in Social Science, while Indian Language saw a 2.4% increase and English improved by 9.5%.
  • Assessment: The performance of students shows a significant decline from Class 3 to Class 10, indicating that foundational skills acquired in early years are not being adequately reinforced.

Theoretical Insights

  • Jerome Bruner’s Spiral Curriculum Theory: Jerome Bruner’s Spiral Curriculum Theory (Recurrent revisitation of fundamental ideas, building progressively until full conceptual mastery is achieved) advocates for the recurrent revisitation of fundamental ideas, which, when coupled with the NAS data, suggests that current strategies may be insufficient in reinforcing essential concepts, leading to pronounced gaps over time. 
  • Benjamin Bloom’s educational psychology: Benjamin Bloom’s educational psychology (Categorizes educational objectives into three domains: cognitive (knowledge-based), affective (emotion-based), and psychomotor (skills-based)) emphasizes mastering lower-order cognitive skills before advancing to higher-order thinking skills, underscoring the necessity of a strong foundational understanding.

Policy Interventions: 

  • NEP 2020: This also explains the emphasis placed on Foundational Learning and Numeracy in the National Education Policy (NEP), 2020. The noted decline in academic performance across grades suggests a premature progression to complex tasks without the requisite foundational knowledge and skills, something that Bloom’s mastery learning theory criticizes, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive understanding before academic advancement.

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 outlines strategies to address declining learning outcomes:

  • Foundational Literacy and Numeracy: Ensuring that all children attain foundational literacy and numeracy by Grade 3 through appropriate support and resources.
  • Holistic Learning: Shifting from rote learning to a holistic, integrated, and experiential learning approach.
  • Teacher Professional Development: Mandating continuous professional development and establishing National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) to ensure high-quality teaching practices.
  • Competency-Based Education: Focusing on achieving specific learning outcomes and ensuring students master essential skills before progressing to more advanced topics.

Implementation Framework: 

  • NCF 2023: The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) for School Education 2023 aligns educational aims, curricular goals, competencies, and specific learning outcomes. This alignment allows for precise assessment and targeted interventions, ensuring a transparent and accountable framework to address educational quality disparities.

Recommendations: To address disparities in learning outcomes, the following steps are essential:

  • Targeted Interventions: Use NAS data to identify and target lagging areas, ensuring focused interventions and resource allocation.
  • Teacher Training: Prioritize continuous professional development and mentorship programs emphasizing modern and competency-based teaching methods.
  • Community Engagement: Actively involve parents and communities as partners in the educational process.
  • Alignment with NEP 2020: Ensure state efforts align with the NEP 2020’s goals and strategies.


Addressing the disparities in learning outcomes requires a concerted effort from both state and central governments. By implementing the strategies outlined in the NEP 2020 and leveraging frameworks like the NCF 2023, India can work towards a more equitable and effective education system, ensuring that quality education is accessible to all students.

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