Today's Editorial

Today's Editorial - 13 May 2024

India’s inclusive innovation can shape the world’s digital future

Relevance: GS Paper III

Why in news? 

In India, our focus isn't on obsessing over technology itself, but rather on understanding its potential and the transformative impact it can have on a large scale. This crucial lesson is something the world should take note of from India.

More About the News: 

  • In a time where global narratives are shifting and macroeconomic challenges abound, India is undergoing a remarkable transformation. 
  • With robust demand, resilient supply chains, innovative entrepreneurship, and a favorable policy environment, India is inspiring a new wave of optimism worldwide. 
  • From governments in Europe and the US to influential players in the Global South, India's name is prominent in discussions on alliances and partnerships. 

What was once hailed as 'Incredible India' is now being recognized as 'Inevitable India.'

  • Global Forecasts: Predictions from Goldman Sachs suggest that India could become the world's second-largest economy by 2075, with a GDP potentially reaching $52.5 trillion, second only to China's projected $57 trillion
    • Similarly, EY forecasts India's GDP to grow sixfold to $26 trillion by 2047, marking the 100th year of Independence. 
    • Moreover, Martin Wolf of the Financial Times anticipates India's purchasing power to surpass that of the US by 30% by 2050.
  • Idea of Inevitable India: However, the narrative of 'Inevitable India' transcends mere statistics. It encompasses a qualitative and inclusive digital transformation reshaping the nation's social, economic, and cultural landscape. 
    • With over 1.2 billion internet users, a thriving startup ecosystem, a burgeoning technology industry worth $250 billion, and a workforce exceeding 5 million in technology, India is evolving into a youthful, dynamic, and tech-savvy digital economy where inclusivity is paramount.
  • Bottoms up Approach: In the West, innovation frequently targets the elite first, prioritizing the top of the social pyramid before considering broader accessibility. 
    • India, on the other hand, has adopted a bottom-up approach to innovation, catering to the masses from the outset. 
    • Despite the complexities posed by a billion-plus population, diverse linguistic and cultural landscape, and significant levels of illiteracy, India has defied skeptics to make inclusive innovation a reality.
  • Robust Investment in DPI: Over the past decade, India has invested significantly in creating the world's largest Digital Public Good (DPG) infrastructure, comprising digital highways that facilitate the delivery of essential services nationwide. 
    • This infrastructure, built on principles of interoperability and inclusivity, serves as a valuable blueprint for building inclusive technology in the age of artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Why the world must learn from India: India's DPI experience holds valuable lessons for the world, emphasizing the importance of open ecosystems, interoperability, and inclusivity in technology development. 
    • This is particularly relevant as AI continues to advance rapidly, with the potential to reshape various aspects of global dynamics. In India, we do not obsess about technology. We obsess about what it can do and the impact it can create at scale. 
    • This is the single biggest lesson the world must learn from India. India's recent launch of the India AI Mission underscores the commitment to democratizing AI and leveraging its capabilities for the greater good. 
    • By focusing on identifying significant problems that AI can solve and deploying it at scale, India aims to prioritize return-on-AI-investment and ensure governance and security in the pervasive use of AI. 
    • India's emphasis on impact creation in its digital transformation journey serves as a guiding light for other countries grappling with economic slowdowns and productivity declines. 
    • By learning from India's experiences in deploying technologies like Co-Win for vaccination and the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) for online transactions, countries can adopt strategies that prioritize inclusion and public impact.


India aspires to not only be a tech superpower but also a beacon of resilience, innovation, and determination. It envisions a future where technology serves as a tool for inclusive growth, addressing some of the world's most pressing challenges. In essence, India is poised to be inevitable and unstoppable on the global stage.

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